Aspiring Internet Commenter

Those areas have always been nice. I was surprised at a reunion a few years ago how improved some of the spots were downtown.

Are you from Newark? I went to St. Benedicts in the '90s and took the bus home to E. Orange and nothing bad ever happened to me. I haven't been back in a long while, and though I've heard things have gotten worse, that's the sort of thing people just say.

Evolutionary biology is science and is nowhere near this conversation. Behavioral Psychology is also science. Evolutionary Psychology is bull**** and they only use the words to trick rubes into thinking it is scientific.

Some people may be genuinely bummed that no one involved in the first movie has any part of the new Ghostbusters. On the other hand, those same people should be delighted no one involved in the second movie has any part of the new Ghostbusters.

If only in my dreams.

I'd tap it.

Spider-Woman and She-Hulk are both really good characters in there own right. I don't think its quite fair to disparage them because they started out as copyright protection.


So when will the next Star Trek come out? You would think NBC or ABC would be clamoring for it.

You may want to brush up on your history.

I hope we get a longer updated obit. The man was a legend and there should be more than 3 short paragraphs.

I'm wondering if the Gygax shout out was the most true nerd thing this show has ever done. Much love for the original.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
-Shia LeBeouf

Screw it. I've been way too negative lately. I'm optimistic about this.

I have a lot of respect for France's military history. They were the greatest land power in the world for hundred of years. Far longer than anyone save the Romans.

Thanks. My plan was to start at the beginning and work my way through.

I bought them all in a Steam Sale over the holidays. Which two are good?

Vince was one of the best, but the X-Files had many great writters. Darin Morgan, Frank Spotnitz, Tim Minear, Glenn Morgan John Shiban and Alex Gansa to name a few. Chris Carter has many flaws but he has a great eye for writting talent.

Make sure you get some sunlight. It can make a big difference, especially in the winter. Patting dogs and cats is also good if you have access to one, or a nearby local shelter.

Don Draper would take you to task.