Aspiring Internet Commenter

Kudos on an all time gimmick.

I sometimes think he's a Cuban plant sent here to bring chaos to the government.

Its hard to believe some politicians openly want to destroy the internet. I'm ready for a bunch of old people to stop voting.

Oops. I missed this post. I tend to think everything about our healthcare industry deserves intense suspicion. We don't have nearly the outcomes we deserve in this country considering the amount of money spent. Far too frequently financial ruin is the last stage of an illness.

Asking for volunteers would be fine if there were an alternative legal sales market. There is not. The only legal option for individuals dealing in this very valuable commodity is to give it away for free or watch a priceless resource be squandered. The health care industry has no such restraints. In fact it

You don't dispute a word I've written, yet now I'm supposed to write an academic paper on the subject. Somehow I'm the one moving the goalposts?

Various middlemen being involved does not change the exploitative nature of free organ donation in a for profit health care system.

There are big incentives for physicians to perform surgury that they can bill for hundreds of thousands of dollars. No one without health insurance can even dream about affording any sort of transplant. Somehow its ethical for the the physician/hospital/insurance/investors to make a profit but not the family of the

How about a mini version of Mulder's saddest Apartment complete with fileroom/bedless bedroom.

I shook his hand once. For other reasons it was one of the best days of my life. Weird memory. Easily the most evil person I've ever been knowingly that close to.

Maybe if there were universal healthchare. Otherwise hospitals would have a huge incentive to turn poor people into organs.
Heartwarming Dick Cheney Article on transplants.

A millionaire actress is a really bad spokesperson for income inequality. She pretty much alienated every working man in the audience with her complaints. Its not fair that her male costars make 2 million for every million she makes, but world tiniest violin from most of the country.

Fun nerd trivia: There is also a CATCo in the Shadowun RPG. But only in the first three editions.

1998 me will always appreciate her for those Ally McBeal miniskirts. Yopwza!

Yay, Kerry Condon! Loved watching her on Rome and Luck. Although she doesn't bode well for this lasting too long.

I wish these drug dealers to the stars would take their jobs more seriously.

Unfounded Conspiracy Theory: Hiring British actors to play Americans pissed off the American academy.

I liked Selma better than imitation game and theory of everything. I just felt most of the category that I saw wasn't very deserving.

I like them for the history. I even learned some things from Selma. I'ts not a bad movie. I thought the direction was competent and there were good performances. Just not sure anyone should be angling for awards.

So I watched Selma and thought it was kind of mediocre. Nothing particulary spectacular about the direction either, but that never stopped the Academy from giving out awards
I suppose. I haven't seen Birdman yet, so maybe it was better than that. I guess I could understand if an actual good movie like 12 Years a