Aspiring Internet Commenter

I just read the guy's wiki. Apparently after Magnificent Seven he turned down lead roles in West Side Story, Lawrence of Arabia and Fistfull of Dollars. Ouch.

Western Governments fearing a UN liaison may have been the most far fetched plot point the late season X-Files ever pushed.


Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, James Coburn, Charles Bronson, Robert Vaughn and Eli Wallach all do at least good work and give Magnificent Seven an arguable casting edge.

Seven Samurai is better on almost everything, but Magnificent Seven has a more Iconic soundtrack. Magnificent Seven is still a great movie.

I think she lost favor with the Twilight crowd when she cheated on Robert Pattinson with a married director.

From the producer of Smash, Terra Nova, Extant, Falling Skies, Under the Dome AND Transformer 5. Well now I'm excited.

What about Mutt Williams? Where's his franchise?

I'm impressed you can make Pho. I spent a day trying to do it once and it didn't turn out well. Any fish sauce recommendations? I'm pretty sure the fish sauce I used was one of the main culprits. It was one of the worst smelling things I've ever smelled that was supposedly edible.

There was a kid in my brothers class, so born round 1976, named Jyhad. This is upper middle class NJ, not Yemen. I can't imagine the last 15 years have been easy for him.

I have no idea. Though I am intrigued if Mary-Louise Parker gets naked.

I bought the DVDs when I was 22 because I liked Red so much. I think Its going to be tough for most TV directors to withstand the comparisons. Everyone thought the same thing about Fargo though, and that turned out better than the original. Hard to see that happening with NBC, but who knows.

I'm one of dozens(handful?singular?) of people that's holding out hope that HBO will bring back John From Cincinatti after 10 years like they did with The Comeback.

Lost is awesome and you will be doing yourself a favor by watching it. I was just making a joke. I actually enjoyed the last season and most of the ending, but I know I'm in the minority.

Kind of sad, although I thought the last few episodes were slipping. May be for the best that the talented members of the cast and crew find other projects.

Still salty over Lost? Newhart?

He has talked about it. He said the allegations nearly drove him to suicide. Nothing ever came of it and the divorce was finalized a month later according to the prenup.

I suppose that's why I'm an anarchist and not a democrat. How can you trust something like government when its designed to let folks like Reagan and Bush Jr. run everything into the ground every 8 years. Why would anyone want to make that bigger?

Not a fan of young Teri Hatcher?

It seems clear I need to do a Bunheads rewatch and get to the bottom of this. Challenge accepted.