Aspiring Internet Commenter

I would have thought that after all the HBO layoffs last year we wouldn't see another one of these mixtapes. Apparently the Catch the Throne mixtape guy was more essential than 10% of the folks working at HBO last year.

Wow, this maybe the first time in my life I've had something going on sexually that someone else is jealous of. Thanks Dikachu!

I care about ethics in gaming journalism. However, this lone internet comment is the limit of my passion for the subject.

I may have finished two randomized dungeons in that game over a course of weeks and each time it was a minor miracle.

*adjusts coke bottle glasses* its Nerevarine.

The Better Call Saul pilot opening reminded me so much of Galaxy News Radio.

I've been expecting a Winter Dragon newswire. I would appreciate this site cater to my nerd whims with more urgency.

Still the same empire. What with the Queen on the currency and such.

Bachman before Bachman

Do we really need a newswire every time Nia Vardalos guest stars in something? I could see if it were on Cougar Town or something else at that level of greatness, but this…

There is a good write up at grantland. I hope their crappy pilot isn't enough to secure the rights.


Maybe now we can have Spider Woman in the Captain Marvel movie since they're supposed to be best friends. Spider Woman should also show up earlier in some other movie as a Hydra Agent. Basically, more Spider Woman is what I'm expecting now.

My first entertainment crush was on whoever played the kid's girlfriend on the little seen TV version of Starman. A mystery for the ages.

With both a freelance writing career and a credit card, she couldn't afford not to have an awesome apartment in Manhattan.

Needs more warnings.

Is HBO going to start programming for more than just Sunday nights? It seems like they've picked up a whole nights worth of comedy block over the last few weeks.

I too am an "Uh" outlier from NJ. It maybe necessary to question the methodology of this project.

Try left clicking on your name on the top right of the comments section. Then click edit settings and then on Avatar.

"This apparently was very offensive to a lot of Asian people. So I asked Judy, who's Asian and works here in our hair and makeup department. I said, 'Was it offensive to you?' And she said, 'Well, kinda..'
"So apparently 'ching-chong,' unbeknownst to me, is a very offensive way to make fun, quote-unquote, or mock,