Aspiring Internet Commenter

I just came back from seeing it. I really liked it. Great visuals, good cast with Eddie Redmayne as the standout villain. There was only one other person in the theater though which was pretty sad.

I can hardly believe someone else remembers Ice Pirates.

Is She-Hulk team leader? What happened that they decided to form an all women crew? Who will be the team screw up? Why is the team so large?

I wonder if there are rights issues with She-Hulk and Spider Woman as far as putting them in movies. It would make sense for Spider Woman to show up in Captain Marvel, so I guess we'll know in a few years.

A law had been passed by the Confederate States Congress called the conscript act. A soldier had no right to volunteer and to choose the branch of service he preferred. He was conscripted. From this time on till the end of the war, a soldier was simply a machine, a conscript. It was mighty rough on rebels. We cursed

I'd assumed you would use some munchkin shenanigans to cast Raise Dead as a wizard spell.

Manwe helps those who helps themselves.

I think its because women is specific to human beings while female could be used for any animal. Its not something I would have noticed without it being pointed out to me, but it's still a valid complaint. It's not so hard to just use women, and then everyone's happy.

Is there no commie awards this past year? or did I just miss them.

That's actually a thing in the recent edition of the RPG.

So I was in the US military between 97 and 07. I volunteered for an overseas assignment in 04, but I was sent to Alaska instead of the middle east. I never ended up in either Iraq or Afghanistan which tends to surprise folks who ask about my service. I did have a lot of friends who went over and some of whom died,

I like your new haircut. Kudos.

Everything about this sounds good except for Showtime.

I've felt for some time that most gender stereotypes are just nonsense used to sell Doritos and watery beer.

No need to invite those folks here.

Hear, hear! One of the great moments of the show.

I went to Star Wars: In Concert. Yes, I'm in my 30s.

I thought I had read every Jane Austen book and I've never heard of this. Last time I trust Barnes & Noble…

And Dr. Phil. I don't know what it is with her and charlatans.

At the risk of losing XP, I suggest you should watch Deadwood if you haven't already.