Aspiring Internet Commenter

Thanks. Much obliged.

Hmmn,I never watched Dynasty. Since you're here, how does one get invited to your cancellation league for next season.

Anyone else here watch Nightmare Cafe from the early 90s. I hadn't realized it but i think its Coleman's first staring role as well as Molly Parker from Deadwood fame. Little kid me always wished it got more episodes.

I inherited a sailboat five years ago and the thing I like best is the feeling of freedom. Admittedly, I've never gone beyond fiddling around New York Harbor, but I do like the idea of going to far off places.

I'm sure you're right. I was mostly pissed about that kid with the frostbite's parents.

Anyone else find none of the remaining characters likable? I'll still watch the whole thing because I love the setting and am a sucker for genre.

Is that the first time Nancy Grace shared the screen with someone even more ghoulish than herself?

Me too. Although I'm not sure if it was the best place for 13 year old me to be learning things.

I gave up after the fourth one.

Loved the first two Masters of Rome books. The rest were terrible though.

I have NBA league pass and none of the games are in HD. The NBA provides all the games in HD, but Comcast can save a few pennies on broadband by only showing SD. Of course Comcast is the only service provider in my area.

This is a good story I read a while back

That second one is hilarious. I love dual survival. Please tell me that isn't fake as well.

I wish Wylie would just commit to the Librarians. The show doesn't work right with him only part time.

This movie has a great sense of place. It reminds me so much of the NJ i grew up in.

Justin Lin is the best director any of these franchises has been associated with.

I've seen Fargo twice and I have no idea who he was. I just went to IMDB and I still can't place him. Not so great with the screen presence.

Glad things are looking up for you.

Have you heard of Pauline Oliveros? She has some really interesting stuff you might like.

Wanted for armed robbery…