This is the lie conservative women tell themselves over and over. It won’t happen to me because I’m strong, and if it happens to you it’s your fault for being weak. So I don’t need to care about you, or change anything about the world because of it.
This is the lie conservative women tell themselves over and over. It won’t happen to me because I’m strong, and if it happens to you it’s your fault for being weak. So I don’t need to care about you, or change anything about the world because of it.
Kellyanne Conway should(must) be dismissed from all our thoughts forever. Her words as well as her visage should be purged from all human engrams.
53% of white women who are registered and bothered to vote, voted for him. Only 60% of registered voters bothered to show up. Many, many of those women who couldn’t be bothered or weren’t eligible probably wouldn’t have voted for him, but couldn’t or refused to vote for Hillary for ‘reasons.’ My point being that…
The thing I’m always privately thinking, as someone who constantly struggles to make ends meet, is how the hell do black women shoulder the insane prices of product and hairdressing? Who’s got a spare couple of hundred every month or so? Something needs to be done to make it more affordable for people. Black women…
I know there are people responding you saying that commenting is bad, but just as with everything, the opinions of black people are not a monolith. I, a black woman, with a kinky curly afro welcome comments and compliments about my hair. I find absolutely no offense to a simple comment without pandering.
I think the odds that the last generation will occur when there are 8 billion of us is pretty low.
If you want to be reassured, let me say that we are a remarkably resilient species, we have bioengineering ideas for addressing climate change (should it come to that), and a bunch of people thought we were all going to die once our planet hit six billion in population in the 1970s, and boy were they wrong.
All over Missouri, forced-birth politicians are having a Valarie Hodges moment.
We truly live in the Upside-Down where the Satan worshipers are the de-facto good guys.
Begs the question should be recast as “beggars” the question, since that is more or less what it does — makes a beggar of the question by answering it, rather than “begs you to ask the question.” I know that’s not precise, but it would make me feel better about America.
But it*is* America. He didn’t win because people disagree with the vile shit coming out of his mouth. About half of this country is okay with his racism and endorsed it by voting for him on election day. I work at a mental health agency where I suppose I’m one of the “good” POC and I hear racist remarks from…
The worst part is that all the morons who voted for the orange shit gibbon double down and dig in when asked for their thoughts now. I hope that every one of them is secretly embarrassed and publicly shamed.
I have Latino family members that voted Trump and a big part is that they are racist pieces of shit themselves who think of themselves as white and look down on the rest of Latinos and POC. Also, because they are Cuban who think that all Democrats are communists. Also, because they are just plain stupid. But it’s…
Thanks for that. I’m trying to be less of an asshole, and it was really hard not to point this out. I have to go into a quiet place and scream into a pillow when I see “begs the question” used incorrectly, too.
“… make fucking sure your Democratic friends get off their ass and vote in 2018.”
There I fixed that typo for you.
10 times out of 10 you could sub in a $20 CZ and no one would notice. My wife has been rocking hers for a decade and no one in either of our families was aware until we told them. Diamonds are pointless extravagances.
I’m getting married in December, and while I’d like to pretend my lack of engagement ring is because of some super-feminist stance, it’s actually because our “engagement” consisted of me asking if he wanted to get married at city hall so I can finally put him on my company health insurance policy and him saying “I’m…
Bullshit. In the age of pussy-grabbing and #MeToo, we are not nearly far enough away from the history of entitled men thinking they can control women to divorce the engagement ring from its origins—just like we’re not far enough away from the origins of the Confederate flag to recast it as an expression of Southern…
sole use is to tell the world ostentatiously, “This woman is MINE.”