
What’s the most famous vehicle you can see in America?”

Until Dennis Miller lost his damn mind.

If not retirees, probably a lot on disability... enjoying some government welfare.

I think the whole point of a lot of these “events” is to take over the street ie: be lawless so finding a place that would actually allow it defeats their purpose and likely a great deal of the thrill.

and missed

Why are people doing that again? I still don’t get the point.

I read this and thought, “wait that is a corvette?”

I make regular trips to border towns for work and my MAGA relatives are always highly concerned about my safety while I’m always excited for the awesome tacos and neat architecture of the different towns.

Here’s my take on the ‘Border Issue’. I was just in Texas last week, drove from Mobile, AL to El Paso, TX. Spent 2 nights in Marfa and for a whole day we drove from Marfa, through both Big Bend parks State/National.

I feel like Squeeze is an underrated band. Like they should get a lot more love from classic rock stations that instead keep playing the same hair metal songs over and over and over.

Because cruelty is the point and their base eats it up. As long as there’s someone else to punch down upon, they don’t have to confront the reality of being the lowest and stupidest of human trash who deserve their place at the bottom of the social scale.

They can sell it for $150,000 to $200,000 so fast....”

Studies have proven that a steady stream of Fox Entertainment “News” gives people a distorted sense of reality. 

If they had actual jobs they would not have time for this Confederate cosplay. I know too many guys like this and this is how I explain it to people:

Portrayals of fighting in the Pacific remind me a lot of WWI trench warfare, just brutal and disgusting with a lot of close contact. Plus the Japanese weren’t above straight murdering prisoners of war if they became a hassle. There’s an excellent movie from the mid-2000's called The Great Raid that was about a

An EV does better in the cities rather than highway due to less wind resistance and its pièce de sistance: Regenerative braking.

Enter the era of electricity guzzlers.

Only today did I learn she exists.

Agree with most of your comment, but Roger Waters never gave a “great,” or “non-painful,” vocal performance in his life, including on the Wall. One of the reasons that the chorus to Comfortably Numb sounds so great is that it is such a relief to switch from hearing Waters’ froggy vocal to Gilmour’s soaring one.