
Don’t have that problem with slab wheels.....

I tend to do this with my Grand Cherokee too. I don’t hate the rotary shifter, it is just super smooth between the selections and I tend to over rotate at times. If it were a bit more “notchy” when you turned it, I think that would help, IMHO.

DC is interesting in that there used to be a lot of outstanding tickets that were written on foreign diplomat’s cars that they were not paying. If I remember correctly, it was a serious amount of unpaid fines for those vehicles. And since they were foreign diplomats, they had some level of immunity to where the DC

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The score of the series was heavily influenced by Tangerine Drream’s music. they include a TD song in each season so far. First season was a song called “Exit”. TD did a ton of soundtracks in the 80's like Legend, Risky Business, Firestarter, etc...

South of the Mason-Dixon line but was on the Union side during the Civil War but had a lot of Southern sympathizers like a lot of border states.

I drive through there heading to the Myrtle Beach area and to see relatives and I have only stopped once because bathroom needs. Pulled up to the big gas station store only to find out the bathrooms are in a separate building around back.  I pull up toe the building and it was like going to the bathroom in a

He doesn’t read, he has to have a Powerpoint with bullet points. He probably never read a Presidential Daily Brief.   He had someone summarize it for him.

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I saw this video a couple weeks ago lol.   All about Stroll.


It may not be a death ray, but sure asf it will be the killer of birds just like the sides of office buildings and the mirrored glass.

Seems like it is an issue in some EV/PHEV’s. Been reading about some folks with 4XE’s running into a similar issue when letting their vehicles sitting for a few days not plugged in. I need to read up on it more but I think someone mentioned that there was a fuze under the hood you could pull to stop the parasitic

This reminds me....

Because it is a bikini barista type of coffee place.   

The engine bay in the Grand Cherokee 4XE is no slouch. No V8 or V6 in a bay designed to accommodate both means more area to shove stuff in the void left over.

He released a new vid saying he was only faking it because it wouldn’t release because his truck his truck was locked...   He still broke the emergency release though.   Watched a few of his older vids, he seems like an entitled idiot.  

I thought that father figure was the dude in Romania arrested along with his brother?   

I didn’t think they could write that long and passed it off as AI writing it.

Had the panoramic sunroof in my ‘14 Grand Cherokee.  Never had any issues with it over 140K miles.  

Yeah the Grand Cherokee is not as bad, well maybe it is. You have the 2-seat and the 3- seat “L” version. No V8 on the 2-seat, replaced by the 4XE powertrain, but you can get the V8 Hemi on the “L” but no 4XE.

Yeah, just looked at FB Marketplace and there are 3 up for sale with less than 250 miles. 2 for $125k and one for $120k. One is in a townhouse development and it is parked across 2 spots for the pics. Still looks massive in those tiny parking spots.  It does look a little bit longer than the spots themselves.