
I was the proud childhood owner of a beautiful transparent red N64 console and I continue to be dismayed at the lack of a similar option for all consoles since.

This is the sort of thing that you read about in history books to colour the bitter decline of ancient empires as they go through the final death throes of distracting absurdity before finally loosing their shit altogether.

Overall, although they can vary in quality, I do think my country does produce some pretty great old people. Usually friendly but they don't often take anybody's shit either.

Ah, Freshers Week. That special time for people who think raw obnoxiousness is the same thing as personality. I did not attend any of the freshers events at my place of study and never do I feel I missed anything by choosing to stay in and play Rome: Total War on my coal-fired PC instead. Working in a store near a

Now playing

Reminds me of this also rather good anti-rape ad that came out a while back. It doesn't shy away from the harshness of the situation and places the responsibility squarely on the perpetrator. I also like the plain definition of rape at the end.

"Godammit I know the road's around here somewhere!"

Seething desperation.

No one I know but dammit, just look at this and tell me stars aren't shifting to allow a moment this perfect to exist.


I'm no car expert but there's something instinctive telling me to run shrieking from room just looking at it. And the shrieking is the most important part of that action.

I love their drilling technique of not simply detonating a nuke against the mantel, but actually pointing an ICBM upside down and letting rip.

Lets say, hypothetically, that one day we develop ways of accessing the mantel with relative regularity in a similar fashion. Would there be any feasible, practical applications or opportunities to be had from doing so as far as we know, eg. mineral resources or geothermal energies?

"Roger Her Arseways" will be the début album of my future folk-thrash-metal band.

What? Women in desperate need finding less safe methods of abortion to circumnavigate punitive & invasive laws? Who wudda thunk it?

Can I just give a big shout out to the tragically overlooked and underrated 2000 PC game Starlancer, with it's gritty, half-busted looking carrier ship interiors and ship launcher airlocks flavouring it's dour militarism and tales of space-field heroism?

Hell hath no fury like like a roboticist scorned.

In a show with the title "Wizards Vs Aliens" that campier you can make anything and everything, the better.


Here in the UK there is a decent long running campaign (Change 4 Life), focusing on basic health advice like portion sizes and exercise activities, emphasizing the positive outcomes to healthy living. The characters were an anonymous animated family clearly designed to be representative of almost anyone, with no

That looks uncomfortable and humiliating. Now if they were to make it in the form of a suppository...