Perfection is always somebody or something else. That's how they maintain billion dollar industries for stupid shit nobody actually needs.
Perfection is always somebody or something else. That's how they maintain billion dollar industries for stupid shit nobody actually needs.
About 10 minutes before somebody decides to self-install their own preferred brand of navigation system based on a guide posted on Reddit.
Having seen what earth-bound drivers are like, I rather suspect the lack of flying cars may be the real futuristic innovation at work.
The obvious question is, if Nintendo wasn't going to publish it who would be?
Out of morbid curiosity, what are the chances of patients exploding during colonoscopies and why haven't I seen a sensationalist docudrama about it at 3am on Channel 4 yet?
The character should totally still be a sexist, imperialist arsehole, because you've got the conflict of those ideals being carried forward into the 21st century. I notice in the trailer the agent/assassin who's sent after him is a female, taking orders from a female while Bond's distracted doing his male-Alpha thing.
You could fill libraries looking at Bond in a hundred-odd different ways. Personally I find the character has always made the most sense when you view him as an anti-hero of sorts.
F-Zero GX. Ideally I'd just like a new F-Zero but GX is a game that warrants many repeat sittings.
This was so good it's actually weirdly irritating, in a "why aren't I the genius coming up this amazing stuff?" sort of way.
Maybe I'm being childish and I'm glad it was special for him but when he's going on and on about wonderful and special and holy and divine the whole thing was and how more so then the next guy's all I can think of is how he's basically discovered this new plane of spirituality called "fucking" and how fucking is going…
So who like me thought they'd be cool and jump straight in without any assists, only to spend the next week being heartily beaten into submission until the "racing line" and "traction control" were both finally switched on?
No Jalopnik, hovercraft racing was always your favourite sport, you just didn't know it yet.
On the plus side, I get to use my favourite gif.
There's a live-action quirky-indie flick begging to put into production here.
I want to say "Note to self: Do not ask a crazy lady to inject shit into your penis" but I already seem to have that note.
No, I too found it adorable. It's just so vulnerable. I do love me a good spider.
I feel this opinion is indicative of the mentality that sexism is over the second even a single woman makes it through, and also that any more than one is some form of discrimination against men.
It's almost like he's not even bigoted, he's literally just that stupid.
Saving naow
It's by his brother's band Parallel Lions, apparently. They are on Myspace if you do a search. They sound pretty good!