
I always thought it'd be cool to go out as the crazy cat lady. I honestly don't see a downside.

Some people love being part of a lynch mob and they love have a socially-sanctioned target for their ire. The sort of people posting this woman's personal information online and threatening her with rape are exactly the same people who would have - in another place and time - joyfully participated in witch trials or

- said no-one, ever.

Doug is finally single again!

who would have thought that a teenager and child molester who only escaped jail time because her parents consented to the wedding wouldn't be in it for the long haul

THANK GOD. I hope she will sue his ass off, and her parents for allowing her to get married at 16 in the first place.

Unless you are Uma Thurman...

Fitting, since his attempts at being important suck pretty hard.

Perez Hilton, may you find a nice job as a mattress salesman in St. Paul and stop popping up randomly in my entertainment news.


Duh, the "blurst of times."

2/10 - you lost most points for failure to use "sheeple" when the opportunity arose.

I think it's hilarious that people think this was the doing of the government directly and not of the contractors who built the website.

You failed to mention that the site is only compatible with Netscape Communicator 4.5 or earlier versions.

Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea - South, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

And me and my butterface sisters are a combination of excited and scared.


That's just some crap you made up, that's not actually how getting assistance works. It's not just going to pay for everything forever. Did you read where cash assistance is capped at 60 months (5 years) for your entire life? Do you know how hard it is and how long you have to wait to get assistance with housing?

Insert welfare queen complaint here.

Wow those were banner days for "probably."