
My conservative little cousin says he will move to Canada if Hill wins. I was like, dude, really? Conservative bastion of misogyny, Canada?

I think he's very likely to learn the non-Oxford comma version of that sentence is true shortly

Yeah - it could have been such a different sentence without it. :)

I know it has nothing to do with the article, but Oxford comma ftw.

Victims included teachers, wives and professionals


I just finished Season 2 of The Fall.


A 99% consciousness rate and a single thrown beer can is a rager success.


I'm sure they were all this outraged and vocal about the Patriot Act, or the war in Iraq, right? No?

Not talk about it. You can just do the right thing without telling everyone. That's not only for issues of racism, it's also just a general rule. You shouldn't need positive reinforcement for being a decent person. Just be one.

As a nation, we need to collectively work together to make sure that Jax never reproduces.

Tom Schwartz was my one mostly silent hope for goodness on this show and he's clearly going to the dark side.

How is this guy somehow the least worst of the group? He looks like he would be THE WORST.

Thank god she didn't defend freedom of speech and women's rights, while looking ugly. I HATE that.

"Ariana Grande denies that she gets carried around like a little baby" is possibly the greatest headline ever. That is all.

<edit: deleted something I knew was a bad comment.... HERE'S A GIF INSTEAD!>
(You can see most of it if you highlight the post time and look at the link)

my pussy doesn't sparkle, it glistens