Pomme d'api

You do realize that the European Parliament (elected, mostly) is not the european commision (designated, only) is not the european council (heads of state, so partly elected)? The EP has the potential to be the only fully democratic European institution. Many MEPs deeply care about the European ideal, but you will

I am sure there were no ignorants born the same year as you. It might be a nice exercise to revisit the top 50 (or whatever existed) of your childhood and take an honest look at anything else but the artists who persisted over time

Two things: there is no need for a Burqa ban. German law prohibits people from covering themselves so they become unrecognizable (it is called, I think, the Vermummungsgesetzt or something like that). The purpose of this is that police can, if need be, recognize you from your id that you have to have accessible (on

That’s partly because “the rules” are adapted to cyclists and don’t treat them like cars. I only learned in his thread that apparently you can’t ride into the wrong side of a one way street in the US? And can’t pass cars at a traffic light? And right turn carefully when the light is still red? All useful rules, and

Isn’t that exactly the point, that they have to work harder to kill you? And get at least injured in the process as well? And how many people, pedestrians, cyclists or drivers do you see using a phone while moving, isn’t that maybe of bigger concern? Not saying cyclist are saints, and there are those that risk their

I absolutely agree! I also think its crazy that people keep insisting they should have been faster. The winners won with a time that was well lower than their PB’s, indicating that it was a hard race, what with the heat and all...

In my experience, there is no “right” time for having children, and if you are in principle ready to have them, and you definitely want to have kids at some point, why not now? It is hard, but when I worked as a nurse, my colleagues had kids and it was hard for them too. I think there are very few jobs that are easy

I’m in my early thirties, and after some detours (starting with a nonacademic career first and having two kids) I’m now in my dream job, being a fully funded on my own project, research only, no teaching unless I want to, PhD Student. And I feel as you describe, part impostery, part incredibly proud of where I am. But

Living in Brussels, I hate these people with passion! After the attacks, when Twitter was literally the only good source of information, I did not want thoughts, prayers nor anything else from people I don’t care about spamming the internet and making it impossible to filter out useful info. Days later, maybe. But on

I second that! The friends with kids I made while my older child was at daycare became our “friends who happen to have kids”, and we regularely get a sitter (or share one) and go out together. Meanwhile almost all those I met during all the prenatal etc. activities are now SAHMs stayed “friends because of kids the

I usually don’t care about spoilers, mainly because I watch everything weeks later anyways, but this... In the headline! Not even a day later! If I get spoiled because I clicked on something, or a friend “accidentally” does it, or I’m just a slow watcher, alright. But this is too much, no Jezebel for me on Mondays

Me, but then again, I’m in social and intercultural psychology...

GB is not exactly known for having too little water...

Freitag shopper, they have two sizes. I have the bigger one and my 3 1/2 year old climbed in there once, when there were already some necessities in there. There was room left. http://www.freitag.ch/Fundamentals/S…

Can’t say anything about her book, but I really like your article! As somebody who only knows the health and social system in the US from the outside, it is really difficult for me to comprehend why people are so opposed to public healthcare, maternity leave, pensions and all that. Our society is build on the premise

I walked 10k, 7 of those with my younger kid on my shoulders... Still happy I got to walk, with my kids. I hope you are warm and well now!

That is exactly how I feel! Stay safe, fellow bxl dweller

I wrote the same above, but anyways: as somebody living in Brussels, I don’t go on Jezebel to get the news, or read a serious discussion about the issue, but rather to get a bit of relieve and distraction. For me, cat pictures as the digital equivalent to blankets and chicken soup is perfectly fine! But I do see that

As someone living in Brussels, I appreciate the cat pictures here! It is a change from people littering my twitter with “condolences” and messages of relieve because their second cousin was in Brussels last year, “thank God she’s safe now”. I ho there for actual news on the city, when I come here, I know I can’t

I am son sorry and devastated to hear that! I’m German, but live in Belgium, and I am scared for the future of Europe, not in the political sense but in the sense that the European values are treated like shit. Europe was founded to prevent another WW2, and I just don’t get how people don’t see the parallels between