
*sigh* I do not believe that minors should be tried as adults. Their brains don’t work right and are full of dumb shit.

Subpoena Sondland and when he refuses, charge him with inherent contempt (i.e., arrest and jail him until he complies).

That was not a lie. It was a ill-advised characterization. Also, you may not believe me, but it’s OK for committee members to lie (Jim Jordan frequently lied about Benghazi and Planned Parenthood when he chaired the committee). This video above however shows a House member insulting another in front of the press. That

Right now there are no consequences to thumbing your nose at Congress. Until contempt citations start rolling out and people get fined or locked up in the basement of the House, nothing will change.

I was a little shocked that after Schiff walked away from the mic, the committee Republicans called Schiff a “liar.” Can’t the Democratic-controlled House censure these assholes for calling the Committee chair a liar? Fuck this shit. Return to order! Democrats, don’t let the GOP run the House when YOU control it! I

the only thing I see in his eyes is endless sadness.

Sounds more like an episode of Warehouse 13.

Looking a at the piece for over 2 hours now the only thing I've noticed is my hair went from brown to blonde... Oh and my body is covered in a golden aura but that may be the peaches.

I'd love to see this without all the foxing (brown age spots), seems like something that could be dome with modern imaging.

So much fatigue, but I guess working with the Assassin Brotherhood to fight the Templars has a way of wearing a person out.

Considering the amount of art that was destroyed by Hitler and his men, the motivation for hiding it might've just been not wanting to see it destroyed.

I never noticed until now that the eyes are staring right at the viewer. I always thought it was looking to the right, for years. Damn.

You've just made me a tad prouder to be Danish. ^_^

A question for the wisdom of King Solomon, surely....

Pure poetry! What an elegantly executed "F**k you!" in response to oppression!


The Nazis were so evil, even their allies hid sh*t from them

Do you even lift?

Totally needs to be an Agents of SHIELD episode.

Leonardo DaVinci is disappointed in you.