*sigh* I do not believe that minors should be tried as adults. Their brains don’t work right and are full of dumb shit.
*sigh* I do not believe that minors should be tried as adults. Their brains don’t work right and are full of dumb shit.
I am not old enough to remember Nixon, but Reagan (Iran Contra) blatantly broke the law, Bush I lawbreaker (Silverado & Iran Contra), Bush II (Iraq & Gitmo) lawbreaking. Republicans in my lifetime have never been about the Constitution. They only care about $$$.
it is sickening but here we are fucking living it.
They don't have a lot of options with the DOJ infiltrated by Trump loyalists. :/
I agree but simultaneously it’s like, if I elect a president I want that person to have power so it would feel like an annoying Democrat “high road” self-own. It’s a tough one.
Inherent contempt, recognized by SCOTUS multiple times. Arrest and fine until they appear.
How about actually voting to impeach due to brazen public admissions of guilt? Including this overt attempt at obstruction of justice.
Subpoena Sondland and when he refuses, charge him with inherent contempt (i.e., arrest and jail him until he complies).
AGAIN, the White House refuses to accept Congress’s Constitutionally-mandated role as oversight. They are shitting on the constitution they swore to uphold.
That was not a lie. It was a ill-advised characterization. Also, you may not believe me, but it’s OK for committee members to lie (Jim Jordan frequently lied about Benghazi and Planned Parenthood when he chaired the committee). This video above however shows a House member insulting another in front of the press. That…
[9/1/19, 12:08:57 PM] Bill Taylor: Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?
Right now there are no consequences to thumbing your nose at Congress. Until contempt citations start rolling out and people get fined or locked up in the basement of the House, nothing will change.
It’s because he’s trump scum.
Gosh it’s almost like we the American people should start demanding potential Presidential candidates add a “reduce the power of the executive branch” plank to their platform.
I think that Pelosi should start fining them. The courts may eventually reject the fines, but most of them are not rich enough to be unconcerned about having a huge financial sword of Damocles hanging over their heads for months or years.
Contempt doesn’t have many teeth. They just need to add obstruction of the impeachment inquiry as a second article of impeachment. It’s about all they can do.
I was a little shocked that after Schiff walked away from the mic, the committee Republicans called Schiff a “liar.” Can’t the Democratic-controlled House censure these assholes for calling the Committee chair a liar? Fuck this shit. Return to order! Democrats, don’t let the GOP run the House when YOU control it! I…
Why was Sondland even involved. Last I checked, Ukraine not part of countries covered by EU Ambassador.