
Yeah, I don’t really believe most people see the hypocrisy of the Drumpf family’s complaints. And many GOP people think this whining is justified. I’m not giving them any credit for being aware and awakened enough for that. The vitriol from a Drumpf voter is unparalleled. They literally believe everything he says,

3 million more people voted for Clinton than Trump. Always remember that.

Yeah, although this is more like the pot calling the strawberry black. Exhibit A, ET has just been caught funneling charity money to his daddy’s business, and he’s calling the reporters immoral?

So many pot/kettle moments. The ones that stuck in my craw the most were the multiple times they talked about the First Lady being maligned, considering the insane amount of hatred that right-wingers heaped upon Michelle Obama.

“They would rather see him fail than have America succeed.” Wonder where he might have

It’s kind of a weird Human Centipede-daisy chain of people blowing each other.

You know it

it goes like this too

the guy who funneled donations for a pediatric cancer center into his own pockets is telling me about morality? no thanks, k-mart patrick bateman.

Someone remind Beavis that when Obama was elected, Mitch McConnell flat out said that his number one (or only) goal was to make sure Obama was a one-term president.

Remember, the real evil is letting people know about the family corruption. The corruption itself is just business.

It literally emerged last night that the Trump family essentially stole money meant for St. Jude’s. And Eric thinks Dems are the ones with no morals?!

Many of them will die in the next four years, and a lot faster thanks to TrumpCare.

As a proud trebuchet owner, I would be horrified at the thought of any of Donald’s spawn touching any portion of my precious device.


To be fair to eric he is at least PART human.

Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?

The Son of God really let himself go in the last 2000 years. Sad!

The Reuters article seemed to implicate Jared as having lied to the FBI about his own contacts with Kislyak and maybe some other Russians as well (too much news, brain hurts, can’t remember). Both the Times and Post reported that Jared was also urging Trump to go on the attack after the Mueller news, which I found

I hope that Jared and Ivanka are the mastermind of this whole insanity. If Trump goes to jail he’ll be there maybe a few years, but those two plastic assholes rotting away will be a constant reminder for most of the century of what happens when we elect ‘businessmen’ to office.

So, Trump is literally President Charles Logan from 24.