
So, if we are indeed expecting a recession, is it more prudent to be stockpiling cash instead of stock investing right now, lying in wait for the market to drop and then buy-in? I know predicting and trying to play to game is probably a fools errand, and ill keep the 401k’s rolling, but having cash instead of buying

Can we just get a faithful remake of Underground 1 please? Hi res textures, HDR, 4k, same soundtrack, same car lineup with new cars mixed in. That is what I want.

I want to get this game, just to make a WNBA player and school idiots on the internet. That being said I barely have time to feed myself something other than hot pockets, so not this time.

Okay look, a “Dad Build” would just be something that gets you like 80% of the way to what an optimized build would. A better player with the same loadout should win most of those fights, and a better player with an optimized build should win even more often.

No one is advocating for an easy mode, just something that

There is no room for morale for a GM. As much as I think it might help, and we have seen toxic stuff tear apart locker rooms, the slight morale boost is probably not even worth more than just remembering this moment happened sometime in week 12 when the collective team feels like ground beef. Remembering the single

“Your an idiot.” really this is all we needed to know what kind of commenter this was. 

Don’t worry guys, there is actually a 0% chance this guy has any military experience, and only a 5% chance he owns a GED.

Rallycross. You are describing rallycross.

Jokes, he has jokes.

Wiki says he has a degree in economics, so “The more typical route is to go into consulting/finance and ruin the world for everybody else.” sounds about right.

Halo 2. I had a friend reach out this week out of the blue and I have been looking for reasons to play any version of Halo ahead of the Reach release on PC. I love the series, have great memories, and playing Halo with other people makes me a happy camper. Except for the camper part, I don’t camp.

If anyone wants to

If Bell’s is draftable, then pretty much anything should be fair game.
Bud light is the superior water beer.
Shock Top > Blue Moon
And Dos Equis is the correct Mexican beer choice.
I dont fully like any of their lists. Bell’s s cheating in John’s list, The Radler is something I wouldn’t touch, and Dom has two nearly

Got to get the article written and posted before the glitch is patched out for the clicks!

I mean, like Chicago and St Paul, SF had a very large white working class that was largely Irish as well. Tech booms have changed the demo pretty hard in at least St Paul and SF, but there are still plenty of Irish bars and people around.

That sounds sketchy, but how many big macs can I buy with this sponsorship? Anything >= 4 and I am in.

I hate everyone in this thread right now...

Watching outfield assists is a joy. Rick Ankiel has some wicked highlights.

And to be clear, not really dinging your comment, hes got a cannon and it’s fun to watch him do that, even from a Giants fan. Similar to Cespedes, many times Puigs greatest plays are spurred on by a flub, and frankly I have always liked his energy. Give me more Puig’s and Harpers.

Now playing

Because I feel like being a stickler, Puig seems to have a career best 96.3mph throw from the outfield. Here are the fastest statcast throws from last season, which starts in the 98mph range. Amazingly Jackie Bradley Jr threw a ball 103+ from the outfield.

The far more likely, and logical answer, is most of them are fairly skilled on top of the fact that they literally play for hundreds of hours a month. I don’t ever find most glitches, even in AAA games because I don’t play enough anymore, but when I played upwards of 20-30 hours a week of Halo, I knew all sorts of