
I love how Jerykk got quoted, and in his own quote shows why Hogwarts shouldn’t have been nominated lol.

which precisely explains why Hogwarts, while being a commercial success with mostly positive reviews, was not nominated for awards. Thanks for proving my point. 

You have also done nothing to prove that it is a well crafted game that is superior to it’s counterparts in any category other than popularity. Oscars are not tailored towards indies, they are tailored towards movies that take their craft seriously. Interesting to know that The Return of the King was a small niche

It’s just wild that you are on one hand saying that HP deserves some sort of recognition because of its sales figures and general positive reviews, and then acknowledge that this exact logic doesn’t apply to other industry award shows like the Oscars. It is almost like industry people have different criteria other than

Wait, you’re stanning this hard for a game THAT YOU DIDNT EVEN PLAY?! JFC you’re just the worst lol. This just in Jerykk is mad that Endgame wasn’t nominated for eleventybillion Academy awards because it was clearly the best reviewed and most watched movie that year.

It would be funny if it weren’t so fucking sad.

I’ve paid $15+ for a cocktail on a Thursday before. If the story content isn’t worth 15 bucks, that is pretty pathetic.

Wait, this is the same article that was saying it was making things better for all classes? Lol. Switcheroo

So also similar to the train scene from Wanted? It is almost like people have the same ideas throughout entertainment history.

The right answer is Final Fantasy Tactics, FF6, and FF7 standing on an equal level podium, and then all the rest. 

I’m not saying I am for prison labor camps, but they are “professional help” organizations...

“It’s hard sci-fi”
Literal next paragraph
mysterious space anomalies, mystical artifacts that light up and move in magical ways.”

I’m not complaining, I just find this humorous. 

So I saw a quick video the other day that frames it a little different. It’s not just hate or fear that they use, it’s disgust. Psychologically disgust is more powerful, and longer lasting, than fear or hate.
Example. You’re showed a picture that looks like you are standing on the edge of a building. Fight or flight

While watching netflix on the dash screen, from the back seat without a driver, asleep.

Be a shame if it had an incident with fire. A damn shame. 

My now 9 year old still loves his lego kits, but really likes gunpla. Highly recommended if your kiddo is the same age range.

Halo seemed like the only one who ever implemented them well. It helped that it seemed like more than 50% of the population bought them too, but there were no different queues. It would just check if everyone in the lobby had the maps, and whichever ones people didnt have, werent an option.

I bought a whole ass Game Boy Advance just for that game as a FFT diehard, and you know what, it sucked. I didn’t get to have that great Tactics feel again until the PSP release of War of the Lions.

CP Edgerunners was absolutely fantastic for a limited run series. Stranger Things S4 feels slightly behind S3, but after ignoring the series for a while, both those seasons have made me a fan for sure. 

Im surprised they havent already announced it is illegal. Kind of like Kenny Pickett last year in college football, faking that he was going to slide so the defenders pulled off, then he just didnt slide and ran for the touchdown. They immediately made it a penalty, stopping copycats. 

Its a Burger Town skin, which they had in the last MW remake. My group of friends all had it so when we were squaded up it was 4 burger boys running around wrecking people.

I’m quite perturbed that right now my only way to get that skin is buy it on ebay, or send one of our guys to Canada to get them. We are seriously