If you find out where bored lawyers are making funny existentialist and dick jokes now wouldja let us know please, gracias
If you find out where bored lawyers are making funny existentialist and dick jokes now wouldja let us know please, gracias
Yo, congrats to you and the rest of your crew for standing up for what you believe in.
Thank you for this, I have spent all morning looking for a website to tell me who won last night’s game.
There is way too much sports talk diluting this website’s content. Please stick to dogs.
God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!
Wow! This is a great post about sports, sports only, and nothing else besides sports!
It doesn’t get much better than this, Luis.
Sticking it to powerful people who are fucking up a good thing with disingenuous pleas to “avoid controversy” and “stick to sports” is a good thing.
*chef's kiss*
To be clear, Daulerio refusing to take down the Hogan video is not what killed Gawker, and doing it would not have affected the outcome of that case. (The order to take down the video was clearly unconstitutional and was ruled as such). If Hogan had been funding his own lawsuit, maybe that decision would have…
I mean, Gawkier was right there.
- What the Deadspin writers did yesterday is LEGENDARY. It will - quite seriously - be long-remembered in the oral history of the internet. They successfully exposed Jim Spanfeller et al as douchebags across mediums ranging from small podcasts to the CNN homepage. Just unbelievable.
Just wanted to say it fucking blows that Barry got fired yesterday. There are relatively few constants left in life, but Barry writing the first article of the day for Deadspin was one of them. I’ve been coming to Deadspin regularly for about 10 years now. I love this place. So many laughs, so many great reads. The…
He’s just going to a farm upstate!
Farmers has pulled Spanfeller’s big ad buy. This is the type of incompetence that deserves an ESPN 30 For 30.
These dumb motherfuckers running this place stuck autoplay ads everywhere because a fucking insurance company gave them $1 million but then when they realized that all the readers hated it, the insurance company bailed on the deal. Thus leaving the readers extremely pissed about the shitty format and leaving the…
We may not all be as eloquent as Will at the end there, but I think it’s safe to say we all feel the same way.
Looks like the mini-24 hour strike is over? Nice to see you are back Drew. Let us know if we need to start meeting with you and the gang somewhere else. You know, this venue is cool and all, but the new owners are kinda dicks. We can always try somewhere new...
Esther, what are you sitting here slandering Hershey’s chocolate as the worst Halloween candy when Charleston Chew, Good & Plenty, Bit-o-Honey and Necco Wafers are floating around? Not to say anything of raisins!
If Hersheys is the worst you can conjure, you grew up in some high end trick or treating territory.