Polyester Khakis

Just want to throw out here that even though Beats are owned by Apple, they’re outsiders still in terms of level of service. I had a pair of BeatsX that I loved from a design/utility perspective, but their durability was laughable—they just stopped working fairly early on in their life cycle (one earphone just went

this is fantastic.

i agree, but you also don’t want her turning into Pelosi. AOC definitely needs more refinement in her approach—which will come! she’s brand new at this!—but she also doesn’t need to turn into whatever that was last night on tv. it was such a perfect opportunity to dunk on trump on a national stage, and Pelosi/Schumer

guys, we have to go back to when we couldn’t tell the difference between the elected dems and conservatives...”

i think she’s talking about the type of idiots who correct your grammar and spelling in an online debate instead of focusing on your ideas. hilariously/predictably, people have done JUST THAT in their refutation of her comments, by being pedantic instead of examining the meat of her point.

this is a nice tidy narrative (in this case—I definitely think this is a thing), but let’s be real, here: the WOC angle, in this case, isn’t it. it’s cash money. how else would you explain Jeffrey Epstein not rotting in a cell somewhere?

this is actually common.  people often cut their hair/shave their beards after going through something traumatic (breakups, losses).  It makes sense philosophically--it allows you a modicum of control in a time where you feel like you don’t have any/much...

I’m sure he is, but that in no way helps your argument.

Can nobody admit that there may be backlash because she’s just not good at acting? Or that she’s not likable?

I think part of the (if not the) problem here is that it’s patently clear that someone (Priyanka, her team, Hollywood) is trying to make Priyanka a thing over here, and she’s already been rejected, so now people are becoming annoyed that they still have to hear about her. To clarify, there’s a well-seasoned system in

This is a ridiculous practice, and you shouldn’t shame people into doing it; rather, the employers should be shamed for passing along to customers the burden of paying its own employees.

and that’s a good thing. age brings nuanced understanding (ideally).

So does crypto. Read up on blockchain tech. there’s a reason institutional money is starting to pour into this stuff.

like cash? value is based on perception. we’re not on the gold standard anymore. even if we were, gold is also value based on perception. this isn’t that hard to understand...

I agree 100%, but as the author pointed out, it’s used selectively (and, thus, it’s a framing device). That being said, I would go the opposite route of the author’s suggestion (i.e., don’t use “allegedly”), and instead use it universally whenever you have something unconfirmed...

It had the opposite effect on me. I can only speak for myself, but if I were famous, and someone accused me of sexual harassment/rape/assault, and I was innocent, I would go directly to the press, and I would unequivocally state my innocence. I’d scream it from the rooftops, and leave no question in the minds of

I recently got this card after getting and loving the Chase Sapphire Reserve last year. The CSR signup bonus of 100k points was incredible (especially when you factor in that the points are worth 50% more on the Chase portal), and I wanted to keep the party going with the Amex Platinum bonus of 60-100k (depending on

I recently got this card after getting and loving the Chase Sapphire Reserve last year. The CSR signup bonus of 100k

The Duke Lacrosse team went to court, thanks to due process, and was found not guilty. Duke paid over $60m to the three defendants and they’ve all graduated successfully. It doesn’t appear their lives are shattered.

In full transparency, I don’t care if Harvey Weinstein (or Cosby before him) gets due process. Maybe that makes me an asshole, but judging by the growing list of accusers, all of whom seem to describe the same horrifying scene played out over and over again, these dudes are unequivocal monsters who deserve to rot in a

your response here is textbook irony. you describe the very real problem of victims of sexual assault working within a system designed to silence them, and then you (knowingly or not) illustrate how nuanced discourse now works within the same system—one which attempts to silence it.