Polyester Khakis

Why not both? The hypocrisy of suspending Rose and not Trump is annoying, but Rose isn’t exactly bringing much to the table. From the tweets above, she’s illustrating a complete inability to engage in any form of nuanced discourse, and instead resorting to the same bullying tactics she probably hates seeing in others.

For a several-year period, Amazon was the best place to purchase something in the world. You could get virtually anything, at cheaper prices, delivered almost immediately, and it was all backed by unmatched customer service. There were very few reasons to shop anywhere else. Recently, though, this shift from their

The Handmaid’s Tale, on Hulu right now, is a perfect example of how this type of show can be effective, and I’m a bit confused as to why nobody is making this connection. Are the producers of that show automatically female-hating assholes? Is the agenda of that show to showcase to alt-righters a best-case-scenario

it’s the sanctimony, probably.

This needs more love.

this deserves way more love.

Does nobody here see the unbelievable irony in this whole scenario? This whole fucking thing already played out a few months ago, with different actors: Hillary and the Party sabotaged Bernie and his campaign, there was audible concerns about voter tampering, and when Bernie dug his heels in, he was pressured to

They put Alabama in the championship game in a similar situation in 2008 (LSU beat Bama in regular season; Bama didn’t play in SEC championship game), and that was pre-playoffs. I think a similar situation will play out here: OSU gets in based on reputation...

holy shit, the Internet is full of terrible terrible people.

I worked for 10+ years in the restaurant industry and I think the entire idea of tipping is ridiculous and it should be banished everywhere—that includes restaurants, anywhere with a fucking tip jar, and cabs/Ubers.

I have both a chromecast and a roku, and my chromecast sits in a drawer. it’s an amazing device in theory, but not in reality. whenever i tried streaming content from my computer to my tv, the lag was so bad it made whatever i was streaming un-watchable. after googling the issue, i quickly found this was not an