
Hopefully, this will have that balance... check it out!

One thing I really didn’t like about Wall-E was the mixture of live action with cartoony art. It made no sense.

Now playing

I know this is a reply to an old post but this was recently completed.

Meh... I’ll just 3D print one ;)

Thundercats please...

It’s not very good.

But you have companions in 3 and NV! They’re just computer controlled! ;)

Please have drop-in/drop-out multiplayer, please have drop-in/drop-out multiplayer...

Gotta borrow that ;)

“voxel” ;)

Now playing

It’s an excellent movie. Here’s an excellent music video for it.

I wonder if Rockstar would take notice of this and ban his account from playing online. I mean, his username is right there and it’s quite clear that he’s cheating...



Booooo, no sale in Canada :(

Booooo, no sale in Canada :(

It’s only a Dell Dimension 9100, it’s no big loss...

Yeah, I know :( Most people don’t realize that’s what they were originally for (based on the strongmen of the time).

Is super hero crotch bulge a thing now? :\

I love reading about this game! ;)

Why aren’t these people making movies?!

The 3D cell shading in that is awesome.