
I didn’t see anybody else say it so I’ll add Arkham City as one of the best sequels.

PlayStation likewise sells a less expensive Digital Edition for $399.99, and is expected to release a PlayStation 5 Slim later this year at the same reduced price point.


This makes me wish the Decipher Star Wars CCG was still around :(

You can put a summon sign down that other players will see and summon you as a helper. So, this person just put their summon sign down in front of the final boss door and waited for people to summon them.

The title includes “Ash Ketchum’s Pokémon Voice Actor” and it’s talking about the end of the series. They should have mentioned Veronica at least once since she started as Ash.

It’s kinda rude they didn’t even mention Veronica Taylor at least once :|

Play with the multiplayer mod, it’s amazing and prevents invasions because you have to play it offline (in relation to Elden Ring servers that is).

Completely unrelated but can anybody tell me why people use this phrasing:

Not sure how obscure it is but Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage’s theme music is from the band that did Three Little Pigs in the 90s (Green Jellÿ).

Very much agreed! If you haven’t played it yet, it definitely offers hundreds of hours of playtime (and more!)!

The only game that comes remotely close to Factorio is Satisfactory and, as good as it is, there’s almost no way for it to be as grand as Factorio (mostly because it’s in 3D). If it’s not your kind of game (and you can try the demo), you don’t have to buy it but your response to this just makes you sound like a cheap,

To your last sentence: Especially when they’re DIGITAL and don’t require any distribution costs :|

Careful with that edge, you don’t want to cut yourself.

*looks up cover*

Hey everybody, just read the article as if Rick wrote it. It totally fits.

Why the heck is there a lens flare in the game? Is the player looking through a camera??