

It does but you have to dig for it.

and the government isn’t insane in pushing people and businesses away.

I’ll have to try this later. My Mimic and I can easily stunlock a whole bunch of enemies.

Where are you reading that blood loss was nerfed? It says increased on enemies in a couple of places and an animation was bigger than it was supposed to be. Doesn’t seem like any nerfing happening there.

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Still so very entertaining and informative.

Or we can just use Celsius because Fahrenheit doesn’t make any sense.

I would definitely buy that. I currently use a Audacity created 12 hour brown noise MP3 that was run through a low pass filter for the soothing sounds of a properly maintained warp core.

It’s not that I don’t think that’s a good looking car but this is what I see when I look at the front...

Glad somebody else was thinking about it!

Instead of posting a snarky, sarcastic comment you could actually read his question. He was talking about weapon durability; the melee weapons in the first one broke too quickly for most people.

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Not me but the guy behind me almost wrecked his very nice looking RX-7... though he probably had to replace his front suspension and a few other things. He came off the curb and kept driving :|

Blood Machines was a fun romp that’s visually stunning with a fantastic soundtrack for those that enjoy synthwave (Carpenter Brut is amazing!) but it’s basically an hour long music video (seriously, there’s sort of dancing near the end, which is actually fine). The story is interesting but not quite fully fleshed out.

Completely agree. Peter Pan tastes burned?? It’s the only (or one of the only) brands that uses actual cane sugar and not high fructose corn syrup and you can totally tell. Just wish they sold it in Canada :(

That’s not GTA3. That’s GTA5 with mods.

Is there anyway to turn off view bob?!? It makes me nauseous eventually :(

If you think this is cool, (and it actually is) you should check this out: