
Fuck the CCP

I prefer physical ... or dirt cheap digital.

On the one hand, it feels unseemly that her family drama is playing out in public.

I don’t care what anyone says, those designs are hot.

Ummm you do realize there’s a major media event by a massive comic book company happening right now. There’s a reason there are so many stories. You also can continue scrolling or come back tomorrow. 

Wait, 2022? Why in the world are they announcing it now? I’m sorry Rocksteady, but that’s just dumb. Next year is on the border of fine, but 2 years from now(plus possible delays) is not.

The people who voted for it, who proposed it, should all be held liable for the court costs. Bullshit legislation won’t stop until the people pushing it take some kicks in their financial nuts. Right now, there are no consequences that impact them in the slightest, so they just keep pushing constitution-violating laws

I think games in general hit a sweet spot of production value and experimentation right around there. Just looking at CC, it always struck me how high-production the game looked at the time, yet had some pretty bizarre and risky design choices. I don’t recommend trying to deep-dive the plot...because it just isn’t

That entire year was insane for all things JRPG on PSX.


Or, and hear me out, some kind of political party that gave a shit about the poor. Though even if they did, the systems are in place to make it very difficult to change things. The rest of the developed world looks at the US attitude to vacation days, maternity and sick pay with complete bafflement.

Unions are great, but your country should change employment laws, so you don’t have to fight the same stupid fights over and over again for every industry.

It sounds somewhat worse than the giant companies I’ve worked for. Staffers weren’t getting any PTO? Or time off to go to the friggin’ doctor?

The silly thing about all of this Ellen hoopla is that it’s focused on Ellen. I have no affinity for Ellen, I have never watched her show (shows?), but I have worked below the line on plenty of bullshit and I got to say they treat you like shit in Hollywood, because they can. You know what working for Ellen is

“...especially from most that are too afraid to join and serve their country in any meaningful way.”

Since when does the US Military “serve their country”?

Considering the vast unwashed masses repeatedly have their masks around their chins, under their noses, pulled down every few seconds “so they can breath”, and down to wipe at their sweaty mouth breather moist faces?

Our government has given up it’s responsibilities to govern, collectively we have allowed the government to protect corporations and wealth over individuals, especially when some choose not to vote.

They have been for decades.  HBS put out a study a number of years ago that said consolidation had inhibited real gdp growth because of a lack of real competition.  We have three cell phone companies that make up lilke 90% of the market.  5 media companies.  two major auto makers.  Like two companies control the

This is what unregulated capitalism does. The end result is a monopoly in each market, or maybe a duopoly.