
I’m guessing Microsoft and PlayStation accounts are tied to a specific region, and set up in accordance with those region’s laws. Meanwhile, Steam accounts are more global, so they have to account for all the different privacy laws in various countries.

The impression I’m getting from the article is that whatever changes occur in the NPCs or the environment, they’re going to be so small and meaningless that they’d be better off not including them in the first place. 

I’d actually love to have that as a skin, along with a banged up mech. 

Same. Every game in my collection, and every game on my to-play list is something I’m legitimately interested in and excited to play. They’re not all gems, but I can count the number of times I regretted a purchase on one hand, with fingers to spare. I have a bit of a backlog now, but that’s because I try to beat a

Man, I would play the hell out of Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2 if they remastered those. 

Oh, I can tell you exactly what’s wrong here. Life sucks for so many people in this country. And the stress of daily life manifests in a myriad of ways: anger, hopelessness, depression, paranoia... And when those negative emotions are taken to extremes, people lash out. If they happen to have a lethal weapon handy, it

I think every dollar diverted away from CEOs, billionaires and military dick measuring contests, and put towards mental health care among many other things, would be money well spent.

Guns being so readily available most definitely is a major part of the problem. But banning them and calling it a day won’t fix anything. Sane gun control regulation needs to be coupled with easier access to free mental health care, as well as nurturing a culture that takes mental health issues seriously. And if we

I’m fine with this. The next several months are packed full of games I want to play, so this will give me some breathing room. And if it makes for a better game in the end, then I’m all for it.

Not too long ago, I read an article that mentioned roughly 20% of Yakuza fans are women. And obviously, the fandom is growing over here in the west too. I think it’s possible to create a game that does one thing and does it so well that it draws in curious people from unintended demographics as a side effect. It’s

They really missed a golden opportunity to add Hammondball to the game. 

I don’t think it’s unreasonable to let people choose whether or not they want to experience the artist’s intended emotional reaction. Some things hit a little too close to home and can entirely ruin a person’s enjoyment of the movie, so they’re not going to appreciate the work even if they do sit through the whole

Looking forward to picking up the D.va gun. Just have to figure out how to repaint the glaring orange bits without screwing up the entire thing, because my craft skills are sorely lacking. 

Thank you for the detailed explanation. To be honest, I think my original post may have come across a bit more conservative than I intended. If the next DOA doubled down on the fan service, I would have been okay with that too. But there’s no reason why games can’t let players tailor the experience to their

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with showing some skin for both male and female characters. But it’s nice to have more options. And it would be fantastic if more men broadened their tastes a little bit, to the point where “clothed” and “sexy” are no longer considered mutually exclusive.

If toning down the fan service means more stuff like Kasumi’s new outfit, then I’m totally okay with this. A character can be sexy without showing off as much skin as possible (though I’m sure those costumes are on the horizon too).

I bought it for $20 last year, around Halloween. I got my money’s worth out of it, that’s for sure, and there’s some interesting things there, particularly the lore. But the matches themselves get to be a little samey after a while. I never played Friday the 13th, but I hear the same complaint leveled against that

I came here to type exactly the same thing, but I’m glad you beat me to it. I’ll be checking it out myself too. 

I mean, McDonald’s has restaurants in over 100 countries and shows no signs of going out of business any time soon. They must be doing something right. 

Thank you for writing this. I’ve been slowly trying to break away from Amazon for a while now. Admittedly, my efforts haven’t been flawless. I used that book discount earlier today, for instance, but every time I turn around, they’re making it easier and easier to go elsewhere. Even if you ignore the human rights