
Yep, which is why I usually wait at least a year to buy most games. Most of the time, the pre-order bonuses don’t appeal to me and I don’t even have enough time to play everything as it comes out anyways. But every once in a while, there is a game that I thoroughly intend on playing the day it comes out, and in cases

You’re really confused about the benefits of pre-ordering?

Thank you for writing this. It perfectly captures all my thoughts on the matter. The price in human life that we’re forced to pay is far, far too steep just so a bunch of paranoid assholes can keep their dangerous toys.

Finally. I can’t even play grappler characters worth a damn, but she looks fun. And throwing her tag team partner into the mix is just awesome.

If it makes you feel any better, I’m waiting for it to drop to half price. Too much on my plate already.

If it helps, just imagine that all of his negative opinions are leveled at those scammy free-to-play games. That’s how I chose to interpret it.

And that 1% of the time, the accused party is innocent. And that adds up to hundreds, even thousands of innocent people over time. I’m not trying to say that what’s happening to women isn’t horrible, and far more widespread. It absolutely is, and the actions of horrible men reflect poorly upon the rest of us to boot,

The extremely low number of false accusations is statistically insignificant riiiiiight up until the moment -you- or a loved one are the person falsely accused.

Thanks Sherlock.

Not only will I buy this, I will pre-order whatever collossal special edition (or whatever) they have in the works. From the moment I finished the anime, I thought it would make for a perfect game.

Glad to see they’re approaching this project with the same subtlety and sense of dignity that they used when letting go of Kojima.

That’s actually something worth thinking about. I never played a Souls game before; the perceived difficulty was a huge turn off. But I’m a horror junkie, and I had to give Bloodborne a try. Loved it. Going for the platinum as we speak. It’s made me want to go back and give the Souls games a chance, but I suppose I

Yeah, all the shit Konami has pulled recently... it always felt like it was more than just businessmen being businessmen. Now it’s becoming clearer that someone (or several someones) in the upper echelons of the company are downright insane.

Say what you will about Man of Steel, but it’s the only Superman movie that didn’t put me to sleep. It’s enough to make me want to give Batman vs. Superman a shot. When it comes out on Netflix.

You sure this isn’t E. Honda?

Anyone who bought an Xbox One expecting to play Japanese games... well, they only have themselves to blame.

I like the focus on actual history, but I think I’d have a hard time getting past the cliched setting. I’ve just seen way too many asylums in games, movies, television shows and stories. Give me a creepy office building. Hell, I’d even take a renaissance in haunted houses.

All I have to work with is your original story. And according to that, you bought the item from a competitor right in front of her, then explained to her, in unnecessary detail, why you were doing it. Like you were trying to punish her because she wouldn’t risk her job going against a company policy that she had no

All I have to work with is your original story. And according to that, you bought the item from a competitor right

No one’s saying what you did was wrong. I’d go with the cheaper option too. It’s how you went about it. Especially when you rolled in here, expecting everyone to treat you like a hero for being a dick to a minimum wage worker.

No one’s saying what you did was wrong. I’d go with the cheaper option too. It’s how you went about it. Especially