
I know. You’re spending more time and energy going down the line, trying to justify your dickish behavior to everyone who’s called you out.

I know. You’re spending more time and energy going down the line, trying to justify your dickish behavior to

You really were a huge dick about that, from start to finish.

You really were a huge dick about that, from start to finish.

So awesome. I’ve always wanted to start a collection of video game soundtracks on vinyl, and I pre-ordered those fancy Streets of Rage and Shenmue albums a while back (despite having never played Shenmue). But I’m a huge Street Fighter fan, so this is one I’ll definitely pick up as well.

To be honest, you’re absolutely right. In general, I don’t play many games based on a licensed property from another medium. Arkham had me mildly interested, but not enough that I couldn’t wait to get the complete experience for less.

Nope, on both accounts!

Sounds like a fantastic piece of DLC that I will happily play when I buy the GOTY edition two years from now.

Press coverage is definitely crucial. The more people write about a game, even a shitty game (which we saw with Hatred), the more success it’s going to see.

I don’t pre-order every single game I want to play. Most of them, especially triple-A games, don’t appeal to me enough that I have to play them right away. I usually wait anywhere from a few months to a year and get them at a discount.

Just an aside, but whenever a game offers you the ability to dress up and customize your character, I wish they’d tone down the ridiculous accessories (like bunny ears) and offer a wider selection of normal, but still fashionable clothes.

I liken it to “religious” games. Many of them are so concerned with getting their message across that they forget to craft something that’s actually compelling to play. Gamers are getting wise to this, and many of them want substantial gameplay -combined- with a meaty, thought-provoking story. Going back to religious

Buy both. I imported the Japanese version of Catherine back when I thought it had a snowball’s chance in hell of being localized. Never played it, because the English version was announced literally a couple days after I got it. But since it turned out to be one of my favorite games of the PS3 generation, I was quite

Same (though I’d like to see a PS4 release as well). I’ve always wanted to get into the series, but I’m not going to jump into Shenmue III without having played the first two. A couple of recap movies aren’t going to cut it.

Granted, there are some shady business practices attached to it. Retailer-exclusive bonuses can go straight to hell. But I totally agree with you. If you’re reasonably certain that you want to play a game day one, pre-ordering usually nabs you a few nice bonuses, plus physical goods if you pick up one of the

Good. It was either this, or I’d leave him home. Now I’ll be able to take him along on adventures.

I was really hoping this thing would see a console release. It’s one of the few indie games I’m actually really excited about.

Another “This Week in the Business”, another console doomsday prophecy. And it almost always comes from somebody with a vested interest in mobile. The whole song and dance became predictable and tiresome a long time ago.

Well yeah, we’ve been steadily devaluing games more and more over the past several years. The market is oversaturated with gimmicks, copycats and plain old broken crap. On top of all that, creators pushed so hard in their race to the bottom that “free”-to-play became a viable business strategy. When you sell something

They’re both modest open-world games that focus heavily on school life? Seems about enough for me.

At no point does the game task you with molesting a real life child, so I’d say live and let live.

It’s 2015. By now, you’d think they’d have figured out how to make bats that don’t splinter into a million pieces upon contact with a leather ball.