
I’ve been pretty impressed with the quantity and quality of Japanese games that have made their way over here lately. I hope somebody at D3 figures that our love for open world games will translate into sales.

It’s just Molyneux being Molyneux, sadly.

Why not just classify games according to length, and adjust the refund policies accordingly. If your game is only five minutes long, make it so people can’t return it if they’ve played it at all.

It’s completely different situations. For the most part, this will only affect fans of one particular series. Calling out a few key individuals at a company that’s been actively trying to alienate its fans is a far cry from the temper tantrums Fish threw. Both of them spoke their mind, sure, and both of them could

It’s less about “my connection isn’t stable enough to play this”, which IS a valid concern for some people in this technologically underdeveloped country of ours, and more about “what happens if I want to play this game in ten years, after EA takes all the servers down?” Hint: you can’t.

Annnnd lost all interest.

Yeah, once upon a time, between Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Dance Dance Revolution and Castlevania, Konami used to be one of my favorite companies. But they got tricked by that whole, “Westerners don’t like Japanese games!” craze several years back and started pimping out their franchises to every Z-list foreign studio

And most of the people responsible for those things are either dead or close enough to dead. It’s time to give it a rest.

The industry could definitely stand to trim down the number of shows that come out every season and focus on quality instead of quantity. You know, maybe pay the animators decent wages and give them enough resources to produce something special.

I’m not a huge Godzilla fan or anything. Only movie I ever saw was last year’s Hollywood flick. But I kinda’ want to play this. It feels like there’s a lot of history packed into this one game, and utterly destroying cities has to be fun.

If it scares even one other “child” away from committing the same crime, then I think it’s an excellent idea.

The only thing keeping businesses from doing it more is the fact that people like us continue to call them out on it. But believe me, they’re striving towards it. Playstation Now was a glimpse into the wet dreams of CEOs across the industry: a future where customers never own their games, but rent them for a limited

Been saying this forever. Anyone who trusts businessmen and companies NOT to deny you access to your games the moment they can get away with it, is incredibly naive. Sure, PT is a free demo, but this situation shows just how remarkably easy it is for our digital property to disappear. Legal bullshit, companies going

Digging the classic Resident Evil style door opening transition.

I’m sure the businessmen in the upper echelons of the industry earn far more than the people actually -making- these shows, by a ridiculous and disgusting degree. Same with every big business on the planet. Narrow that gap, and they’d be able to pay people for their hard work without raising the price for the

I think some of it also has to do with just how huge MOBAs have become. Tournament winners get impressive prizes, not to mention sponsorship money. They earn a good living just for being really, really good at a video game. Considering that’s practically every gamer’s dream, I can see why they’d take these games

Every single day, I probably see a dozen guys who look like that.

That “no comment” might as well be a “no”.

As everyone’s already noted, you can re-download anything you’ve previously purchased. For now. Believe me, the second a company figures out a good way to say, “Sorry, you’ll have to re-buy the game you already bought” without losing more money than it gains, then it will become standard practice across the entire

For Christ’s sake, Konami, what the hell is going on? Dance Dance Revolution, Castlevania, Metal Gear, Silent Hill... Konami used to make some of my all time favorite series, but now it’s letting them die off, pimping them out to people who have no idea what they’re doing and ditching its most talented minds. They’re