
Call me crazy, but I still can't wrap my head around losing your shit over a fucking phone that's just going to break in the next year or so. Especially if you already have a phone.

Yep. Sex appeal doesn't necessarily have any bearing on other elements of a game, like design, story and gameplay. Garbage games that coast by on nothing but fanservice certainly exist, but there are plenty of otherwise incredible games that go a little overboard with the sex appeal too. Never judge a game (or any

Microsoft paid 2.5 billion dollars to plaster "From the makers of Minecraft" across every game they produce from here on out.

Thanks for the heads-up about the pause thing. It's one of the biggest gripes I have about this new generation of games and their always-online, socially integrated bullshit. Even the single-player modes have to suffer because of that crap.

I can't game when I'm sick. Tried it once, when I was struggling through one of the worst fevers I've ever had, and it seemed to color my perceptions of the game. I developed a negative association with it that's totally unfounded.

Nope, not at all. There are plenty of nice, civil people out there who aren't using their real names on the internet (for many, many good reasons), but you don't hear about them, because it doesn't make for an interesting story. It's the extremely vocal minority that gets the attention.

Well, spoilers: There's some mysterious figure pulling the string behind the scenes in the fighting games, and their identity hasn't really been revealed (as far as I know). People speculate that it's a major, iconic antagonist from the earlier games that hasn't really been mentioned in P3 and P4.

Does this mod also prevent the victim from logging out of GTA Online, then logging back in, with a closed "friends only" session?

Ah, "I was obviously joking." The go-to excuse for anyone called out for being a generally shitty human being.

Hear that everyone? You're not allowed to like anything that wasn't specifically crafted to appeal to your precise demographic. Shit, I guess that means most of us have to stop liking Adventure Time, Harry Potter, Legos, Pokemon... hell, pretty much half of Nintendo's games. Women: you're hereby banned from playing

This is why people reject digital games in favor of physical copies. You think you're pretty smart, saving yourself a few bucks and a drive to the store, but the current model of digital distribution isn't the end goal. It's only a transition, meant to soften you up and get you accustomed to the idea that you don't

As soon as I saw the headline and accompanying screenshot, I figured it was just some random text in the background that no one involved in the production of the video could read or understand.

I don't even play board games or tabletop games, but I want one these.

As an American citizen, I don't really care. But I'm sure there are plenty of people out there looking for an excuse to be outraged by something, and this just made their miserable little day.

Is it still always-online? That's the only thing keeping me from getting excited.

I don't play a whole lot of games on my PC. Definitely more of a console guy. But I've heard so many good things about this, that I'm going to hunker down and apply myself.

What a shame. This sounded like such a cool game. I've never touched a kickstarter in my life, and probably wouldn't have backed this one anyway, but I would have gladly bought it when it came out.

Good. Not that I'm a One Piece fan or anything, but that first decision was incredibly stupid.

It sounds like an interesting idea at first, but people grow to love certain characters and don't want to lose them. When it comes to fighting games in particular, many players gravitate towards and identify with a certain character. Sure, the next installment might feature the main character's son, who has all the

Nine games about ghosts, and only one of them even makes an attempt to be spooky. And it's not even a game.