Yup, and that's why we don't want to see another one.
Yup, and that's why we don't want to see another one.
I couldn't have said it better myself. It was really distracting when Penny Arcade started putting the tumblr nose on every other character (this was before I even knew it was a trend), but eh... if that's what the artist wants to do, it's not my place to get them to change. I just state my opinion and move along.
If not for efforts like this, we'd be playing our Sony Nintendos and Microsoft Nintendos right now. It would severely dilute the brand, making anything bearing the original "Nintendo" name seem more generic.
Agreed. A lot of indie games bring awesome ideas to the table, but they're painfully restricted by a lack of budget, manpower or talent.
'Dragon Age: Inquisition' and 'The Evil Within' are the only things I'm super excited about, and even then, I can wait til November for one of them. Might check out 'Alien: Isolation' early next year, if the reviews are good. I'm always a year behind on Assassin's Creed games; so I'll be playing Black Flag (for…
It's going to vary from style to style, but overall, I'm so used to it that I don't even notice anymore.
I wound up liking Dragon's Dogma and Lollipop Chainsaw this past generation. And while the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy weren't my favorite games in the series, they're far from the worst Final Fantasy games out there.
And all the bullshit that comes with free-to-play has followed those converts, infecting everything else along the way. There was never any plan to ween them off of microtransactions and paywalls, and onto $60 games. Instead, those shady practices are being forcefully and tactlessly inserted into $60 games, because a…
I wouldn't say boss fights need to be over in a matter of seconds, but doing the same thing over and over again is tedious. A good boss fight offers a little more variety than memorizing and exploiting a pattern. I'd like to see a boss that changes its tactics according to how you're playing, or one that utilizes the…
This is okay. Not exactly classy, but a nice incentive for people who are probably going to buy the game day one anyway. It's worlds better than spreading exclusive content across several different platforms.
This is just a glimpse of that always-online, digital-only future you guys have been asking for.
If you want, you can replace "school shooting" with any other act of senseless violence. Your argument doesn't change anything. Media doesn't force anyone to commit a horrible act. People choose for themselves, and shitty people make shitty choices. That doesn't mean the other 99% of people who enjoy the same work of…
This isn't the first time Target has given away food and drink with games. I've seen deals where you can get free soda, energy drinks, chips and other snacks. I guess they figure you'll take the game home, hang out with a couple of friends and pass around a can of peanuts while waiting for the loading screen.
I'm glad to see so many people with their heads on straight in the comment section. This sort of material isn't much different from your average violent video game. Both revolve around doing disgusting, horrible things to fictional characters for the sake of entertainment. You don't have to like it! Hell, I don't.…
Yeah, this art style just... clashes with the message to the point where I lose focus. There have been a few anime with dark, serious storylines that I had trouble getting into, or had to drop, simply because the overly cutesy, deformed look wasn't doing it any favors.
Getting popular actors to lend their voice to your video game is just a huge waste of money. Most of the time, they just don't have enough respect for the medium to put in a good performance, and even when they do, you can get comparable or better results from hundreds, maybe even thousands of professional voice…
No. Making your burger "pretty" has no effect on the taste. You'll just mash it up between your teeth, digest it and shit it out the same as an "ugly" burger.
As much as I love printed media, this is why newspapers are no longer relevant. Publications are staffed by old, out of touch people who just don't care anymore, and can't be bothered with silly things like "fact checking".
Well, the harness and boots are pretty close to those worn by the actual character. That alone puts him ahead of plenty of other cosplayers I've seen. And judging from the first picture, he does have the rest of the costume.
Will there be FEELS this time?