
P3 and P4 are largely separate from Persona and Persona 2, though the Persona 4 fighting games make very subtle hints at connecting the whole shebang. However, you can totally enjoy P3 by itself without having experienced everything that came before. In fact, if you went back and played the older ones, I doubt it

What are we to make of that? Chinese students are very good at memorizing formulas and regurgitating them at a later date. That's all. That's the only thing these comparisons measure.

Big companies have a tendency to interpret success as an indicator that they can do no wrong. That the loyalty of their fans will keep them on top, when in reality, the militant fanboys are a small, but vocal minority. The rest of us are all too willing to switch sides if the other guy is offering a better product!

I have little respect for people who make a living by cheating emotional, grieving people out of their money, but in general, I don't have a problem with psychics, ghost hunters and the like. They produce some spooky entertainment every now and then, and I'm cautiously open to the possibility that spirits do exist.

I have to agree. I mean, no one is posting articles with the -sole- intention of spoiling the plot of Persona 4, but one of the key villains from that game is becoming a playable character in one of the sequels. It's a little pointless to dance around the specifics when an entire hardware generation came and went

I miss the 90s internet. I miss personal webpages, and fan pages and web rings. Sure, if the person coding the site didn't have an eye for design, you wound up with laughably bad color schemes and spinning mailbox gifs everywhere, but those sites had actual personality, and felt as if they were created by real people

Make E3 open to the public and it'll matter even more. Hype directly to the customers, instead of filtering your message through a bunch of jaded journalists who have to ask questions like, "Does E3 still matter?"

Snapping pictures amongst friends and family is one thing, but taking photos of total strangers in public is extremely rude. I don't know the guy pointing his camera at me, and I have no idea what he's going to use that picture for. Am I going to show up in some advertisement without being compensated? Is he going to

Even if the image itself is fake, the underlying message is very real: letting companies block videos willy-nilly, without any sort of human oversight, is stupid and ultimately harmful.

I still love E3, and eagerly await its arrival every year. Sure, some have been pretty disappointing, but I can always find a handful of games to be excited about. Those announcement trailers themselves are often a thing of beauty, even if the actual game fails to measure up.

I seem to remember back when Mass Effect 2 launched, there was a thread right here on Kotaku where people posted images of their Commander Shepard. It seemed like 80% of folks recreated the shaved head space marine on the cover of the box.

Absolutely. This is a perfectly valid use of taxpayers' money, because I'd rather see our government have a plan for every conceivable emergency, than be caught with their pants down. Once upon a time, the thought of terrorists hijacking a commercial jet and flying it into the World Trade Center seemed like such an

Just finished Deception IV: Blood Ties, and moved on to Yakuza: Dead Souls, because I'd been putting that off for too long. When I'm finished with that, it should be right about time for Drakengard 3 to hit.

I'm with you, man. I totally understand all the wonderful benefits of digital media, but honestly... there isn't a company in the world that I trust NOT to take away everything I've purchased the moment they think they can get away with it.

Regardless of whether you're tailgating, hogging the left lane or anything else, if you're going more than five miles over the speed limit, do us all a favor and wrap your car around a tree before you ram it into a van full of children.

I couldn't agree more. All these zombie games, and we still haven't gotten one that does the concept justice. I want to forage for supplies. I want to fortify my own hideout. I want to see streets choked with zombies that pose a legitimate threat. Instead, we get massively multiplayer asshole simulators, parkour and

Couldn't have said it better myself. When it comes to the thrill of exploration and murder, western games have it nailed down to an exact science. But romance? Most of the time, we're lucky to get a tiny, undercooked subplot that plays out in cutscenes.

Back when I was playing WoW, I was an officer in one of the largest roleplaying guilds on our server. All of these abandoned cities made for great places to hang out. For casual things, you didn't have to worry about people running around and yelling, but we often held parties and functions in places like Darnassus

Well crap. This one was sounding really promising. I haven't been much of a MMO guy since leaving World of Warcraft, but the things they had planned for this were quite tempting.

Well crap. This one was sounding really promising. I haven't been much of a MMO guy since leaving World of Warcraft, but the things they had planned for this were quite tempting.