
As much as I appreciate what you stand for, comments like "It's pretty obvious he views women as fighting fuck toys and not equals" aren't very good for persuading people to come around to your way of thinking.

It always saddens me to hear people welcoming the death of online anonymity. I mean, I'll admit, it does empower a lot of assholes, and folks are certainly free to use their real names if they want, but I'd hate to see a system where we're forced to put our real names out there for the entire world to see.

If every game simply ceased to exist the moment it became unpopular, I never would have been able to experience the countless classics and hidden gems that litter my collection. Unless some guy in a suit arbitrarily felt like making it available again somewhere down the line. And charging me for it again.

Just another glimpse into the always-online, digital-only future we seem to be barreling towards.

Far too often, when the subject of gender roles and representations comes up, it turns into a war of extremes. Two sides, clashing against each other with no middle ground and no compromise. Sometimes it's intentional. Sometimes it's a knee-jerk reaction. Sometimes, folks just have a hard time properly putting their

As much as I support these changes, and wonder why most of these sites haven't implemented similar measures far, far earlier, I think it'll only be a matter of months before we start seeing high profile cases of legitimate discussion stymied by moderators who don't agree with the dissenting opinion. Which, of course,

I treat the people who wait on me with respect, courtesy, patience and understanding. Coincidentally, in my 20+ years of shopping experience, I've never once had bad service. Not once.

No, it's really nothing like a "red light district". It's a mecca for geek culture in Japan. Anime, video games, comic books, action figures, electronics, theme cafes, shows, special events... there's all sorts of cool stuff over there. And yes, there is plenty of porn there too, but it's hardly the primary focus.

This is why we can't just ignore these people. Left to their own devices, they start coming up with crap like this.

No, for all its conveniences, digital only really is a horrible idea. There isn't a company in the world that I would trust to resist the temptation of rescinding peoples' access to games they've already purchased. The moment profits outweigh the backlash from consumers, they'll be coming up with grand schemes to get

I wanted to play this game, but with everything else on my plate, I just never got around to it. Kind of glad I waited now.

Not to belittle the author's struggles, because she's definitely put up with more than her fair share of crap, but I find it interesting how parts of this article highlight just how difficult it is for men to navigate social interactions with a female colleague.

I've been tempted to buy a Vita for a while now, mostly for Soul Sacrifice and Persona 4 Golden. But I've been holding back, because I don't want to spend that much money just to play an admittedly small handful of exclusives. A half-priced option that hooks up to my television sounds very appealing indeed.

He's free to create whatever he wants. Everyone's free to weigh in with their opinion.

I have no particular interested in mixed matches myself, but given the choice, I'd rather support more options, instead of less options. I agree, the current situation sucks, and it feels like the games industry has to censor itself so much more than other forms of media and entertainment. Baby steps, I guess. These

Granted, I've never played a wrestling game before, so I'm not sure how graphic the violence is, but I know that MMA games tend to be bloody, with bruising and facial damage. People associate a certain level of fakeness with professional wrestling anyway, and most conventional fighting games are too cartoony and

Within a few days of release, some creeper will jump on youtube and post tons of videos of male fighters absolutely beating the crap out of the female ones. Then Fox News or some other group will see it, be morally outraged and claim that video games are training men to be woman-beaters, perpetuate violence against

I went back and re-read the studio's statement on the whole issue, and yeah... it's pretty much trying to make some of the PA folks out to be huge dicks. No, it's not blatant, rude or direct, but they are trying to portray themselves as the victims of an overblown controversy that was never directed at them in the

I actually wanted to play Gone Home, but upon realizing it was made by the same people who felt "uncomfortable" showing their game at PAX, I gave it a pass.

To answer the question, we get some pretty harsh, snowy winters where I live. Getting from place to place becomes very difficult and dangerous, but I'd like to think that my experience with certain driving simulators over the years (especially ones with icy rally courses), helped me to conceptualize all the