
It's been a while since I watched the demonstration, but if I remember correctly, "Dive" is your jump button, and then "Kick" sends you forward. If done close to the ground, it gives the illusion of jumping forward. Pressing "Kick" on the ground makes you hop backwards.

I'm not sure what your overall point is.

The worst part is that incidents like this will continue to happen again and again, and some of them could be prevented if media and politicians chose to focus on the real causes: Irresponsible gun ownership and neglectful parenting. With enough focused attention, we could see some real change in society.

If you're looking at the screen, then you're not looking at the road. Maybe you can keep your attention on the road while texting in your peripheral vision, but you kind of need your peripheral vision to notice stuff like... shit, I don't know... Other cars? Pedestrians?

I'll probably play it eventually, but I could really do without the big guy or nocturnal parkour zombies. If you need to give zombies superpowers in order to make them threatening, it means you gave up way too early.

I don't have an Xbox, nor do I play first-person shooters, so feel free to jump in and correct me...

Well, back when I played The Walking Dead, I explored plenty of interesting environments, solved a bunch of puzzles, had some interesting and interactive conversations with the NPCs, made quite a few choices (some more dramatic than others) and even had enough time left over to bludgeon some zombies.

I'm right there with you, man. The Kotaku review kind of steered me away, but then I got it cheap earlier this year and it quickly became one of my most favorite games in recent memory. I wish I'd played it sooner. Would have gladly paid full price on day one.

I have to agree. If you can get past the fan service, it's one of the most entertaining pieces of zombie fiction available.

I can't tell if you're just a really enthusiastic Xbox fan... or if you actually believe that a company as big as Microsoft wouldn't jump at the chance to violate consumers' privacy if there was the slightest bit of profit to be made.

It isn't necessarily normal in Japan. It is normal amongst an admittedly large percentage of their geek culture though.

I would so play a Dynasty Warriors-esque game featuring all of these characters.

I still have to get through a fairly sizable list of current-gen games. I probably won't get around to the PS4 until the middle of next year, and by then, there will be more games (hopefully at reduced prices too).

I'm not sure what your definition of a "porn game" or "titty game" is, but Dragon's Crown is not that. Having sexy, or even nude characters in a work of fiction does not mean that its foremost purpose is to give people something to jerk off to. For example, Game of Thrones is not porn. If Vanillaware wanted to make a

Honestly, no one was paying attention to Dragon's Crown until the whole "14 year old boy" fiasco. But, while using their misplaced moral superiority to draw attention to the game's negative aspects (and I'll agree, some of that stuff isn't my cup of tea), all those outraged bloggers wound up exposing Dragon's Crown to

Attack on Titan needs the proper video game treatment, but I'm not sure this will do it justice.

It's only the norm because virtually nobody is providing an alternative. And believe it or not, providing that alternative is 100% not the responsibility of Vanillaware, Atlus or anyone who makes games with big-breasted women in them. They can make whatever they want to make, and market it to whomever they wish to

I've always wanted to play a horror game that doesn't make you fight monsters in a dark, creepy labyrinth for 90% of its total running time. The goal of the game is to live a normal existence in an open world, with mundane objectives (go to work, meet up with your friends, go grocery shopping, etc.), but the

Final Fantasy isn't the only series that's suffered this past generation; it's been hard for every Japanese developer. The industry is changing, and for the first time in my gaming life, western games are actually exhibiting some quality. But honestly, it's really early to call the Final Fantasy series "dead".

To be honest, they didn't spend a decade working on Street Fighter IV. Around the time Street Fighter III came out, arcades were dying off, reliable online play didn't exist and fighting games kind of went into hibernation. When consoles started connecting to the internet, and the internet got better, fighting games