
I have no idea who this guy is. Just looked up his gameography, and that's a whole lot of a Ultima with a few B-list MMOs mixed in.

There definitely is a trend there, but if you're trying to make some backhanded comment suggesting that everyone who enjoys anime is a pedophile, then you would be wrong.

"SimCity launches with some server issues..."

You don't see many games like that anymore. I'm sure they exist, but every turn-based JRPG that I've played in the past few hardware generations had a lot more depth than "keep pressing attack until you reach the end of the game". Some games have crazy-ass gauges all over the screen!

There's no reason why they can't include an option that lets you toggle between "strict realism" and "it's a video game, go have fun".

Considering that it's the news, the folks who rely upon it for factual information should demand better quality control. Mistakes happen from time to time, but if something this simple slipped through the cracks, you have to wonder if the quality of the information they provide is equally rushed.

He's only referring to games that should have an offline component, but do not, for some reason. MMOs are an entirely different beast, designed from the very beginning to revolve around online play. SimCity is a traditionally single-player, offline series of games. This most recent game is essentially a single-player

Between SimCity and Diablo 3, I'm really hoping this always-online garbage becomes a thing of the past. Probably won't, but we can dream, can't we?

Most of these pictures are just extreme examples of cheap and imprecise photo manipulation software screwing up. Bigger eyes, skinny legs and certain facial features might be considered attractive among the youth of certain cultures, but no one wants to look like a monster.

Just another "benefit" of PC gaming over consoles!

No, not really. Most professional reviewers play through games as fast as they can, so they can hammer out a review and move on to the next title. Rarely do they take the time to explore side content, max out stats or simply stop to enjoy the scenery.

I absolutely agree with you. A lot of games misuse them, but implemented well, they let you pull off a wider range of actions, with a more cinematic presentation. The universal hate for QTEs seems to be more of a bandwagon thing.

It's not like the blame has to fall on one single person, or group of people. What we have on our hands is a perfect storm of people with no impulse control, and companies poised to take advantage of them. Both sides are equally at fault, but that doesn't mean we should just sit on our hands and watch as people

Quicktime events, like any other gameplay element, are a tool. They can be implemented well, or poorly, depending on the skill of the person using them. Where we're at, technology wise, we have very few options for creating, say... a highly choreographed fight scene, with a wide variety of complicated moves and camera

You're right, it's not about any one person. No man is an island, and when you have hundreds of thousands of men doing something stupid, it's bound to affect me. At that point, I have every right to speak out against it, in addition to voting with my wallet. Just because a trend is popular or profitable, that doesn't

Remember when everybody was complaining about the non-existent rape scene and the fact that Lara sounds like she's in pain when she's in pain? It was right around the same time that people were calling the Assassin's Creed 3 devs dirty liars because they wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by showing footage of

See, if everyone waited several months for a 50% price drop before they bought XCOM, it would have been deemed a massive failure and we'd never see another game like it ever again. Waiting for deals is perfectly fine, all the more power to you. But don't knock the early adopters and people who buy day-one, because

I don't need to check my specs. I'll be playing this on a console, comfortable in the knowledge that I'll be able to play able this game right out of the box, without having to worry about the age of my machine, upgrading my hardware or tweaking the settings. And you know what? It'll look absolutely gorgeous, even

Chiming in to say that what little we saw of Versus XIII looked pretty fun, and more intriguing then any of the recent games in the series.

So true. Aesthetics are important... and as much as I hate to admit it, all the specs, bells, whistles and gimmicks are also important to a certain extent, but at the end of they day, it's the software that means the most. The Vita and Wii U can attest to that.