I know Square Enix has made plenty of boneheaded business decisions, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't produce what is essentially a product tie-in and advertisement for a game that they don't fully intend on releasing one day.
I know Square Enix has made plenty of boneheaded business decisions, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't produce what is essentially a product tie-in and advertisement for a game that they don't fully intend on releasing one day.
Yeah, it's seriously impressive. When people dropped Guitar Hero and Rock Band in pursuit of the next fad, they left a lot of plastic instruments sitting around, collecting dust. But DDR is still going strong, at least in its home country (where they still have arcades).
Most sensible gamers will agree that violent video games can have a negative impact on people who are already mentally unstable and prone to violence. Unfortunately, every time an incident like this happens, politicians paint gamers as murderers waiting to happen, fair weather parents demand that our hobby be scoured…
There's no need to cut yourself off from all access to these games. In some instances, a preview is the only way that gamers can get information about a game, and as long as you're up front about how much of the game you saw, and keep the assessments fairly objective, you'll be fine.
How does the military and ethnicity stuff relate to the argument? If you're a mixed race buzz-cut, dark-haired scowler dude, then you're still a buzz-cut, dark-haired scowler dude.
I'm one of those guys who preferred the older Resident Evil games, but I still enjoyed RE6 for what it is. It's definitely better than RE5.
Right off the top of my head, I can't think of any positive traits I'd associate with a "fratboy". Obnoxious, loud, irresponsible, vapid, shallow. It pretty much is interchangeable with the term "dudebro".
I'd rather just see them change their business practices. If they stopped being a pawn shop and forcing their employees to act like pushy used car salesmen, I'd shop there a lot more. Staying a bit more competitive with online retailers' prices wouldn't hurt either.
I don't even like MLP, but I know you're completely wrong on all levels.
Smaller budgets... might actually help put the horror back in horror games. When you don't have as much money to work with, you're less tempted to go for the huge spectacle. Out of necessity, you have to rely on atmosphere and suggestion. That's how some of the best horror movies are made, and let's be honest here...…
I'm already intrigued. The fact that it's a console game is even better.
I see this stuff a lot with older white guys. You know, the ones who think Japan and China are the same place, and call them all "Orientals" just to be on the safe side.
You want a source? Ask an average Gamestop employee what it's like around the holidays.
While it's true that the industry would do well to explore a wider breadth of experiences, there will always be a place for spectacle. It's all about providing a variety of products for a variety of people, and it's certainly possible to enjoy both The Walking Dead and Lollipop Chainsaw in equal measure.
I'm not sure what I'll be doing this next generation. If the rumors about the next Xbox are true, then I'll definitely pass it up. I owned a PS3 and a Wii this past generation, and I'll probably upgrade to the newer models in a few years time, but in the long run, it all depends on the games.
I've been driving for about fifteen years now, and parking normally for just as long. Not once has anyone dinged my car.
And yet the game was still leagues more mature than any hoo-rah military FPS on the market, with the possible exception of Spec Ops: The Line.
Not a problem at all. Japanese dating sims have been producing love stories for many, many years. Take that base concept and make the experience more seamless and natural. Give us characters with realistic facial expressions and body movements that the player has to gauge, and a wealth of dialogue options and…
Why would you assume that a romance story in a video game has to last one hour? Most dates last longer than that, and interesting relationships can take years to blossom. Even if you condensed the game down to the highlights (and lowlights), you can easily have a ten or twenty hour experience, even more if you include…
Yes, what's your point? The fact of the matter is, even though romance movies don't have huge budgets for CGI and exploding buildings, Hollywood still spends a good amount of money to make them, bring them to theaters and market them. Some of them are even very high quality, and quite enjoyable. I'd love to see that…