
I don't think David Cage is saying that we should do away with mindless action games all together. It's not a "one or the other" situation. Entertainment for the sake of entertainment certainly has its place, and I've enjoyed plenty of those games myself. But if you look at the major releases from month to month, the

Yeah, but here's the thing. We accept the mindless summer blockbusters because that's not all there is. Practically every month of the year, we can go to the theater and see a drama, romance, comedy or horror movie. I can't say the same thing about the mainstream video game industry.

So, do you support the NRA trying to pin all these tragedies on video games? Do you support how utterly out of touch they are, and their underhanded methods of manipulating the media? If you do, then yes, you are a lunatic. If you don't support those things, but continue to remain a member of the NRA because you

Crazy people will always find a way to kill, you're right. But the primary function of a gun is to kill, or at the very least, severely injure. Yes, a person can go around stabbing, bludgeoning or lighting people on fire, but that takes far more time and effort than pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger.

As others have mentioned, different countries' McDonalds feature different, or expanded menus, often times in order to appeal to local preferences. The linked article also points out that McDonalds is considered healthier in comparison to Chinese restaurants, mostly because it's an American brand, and America is far

That's what happens when you put all this stuff on the internet, where everyone (including your employers) can see it. The original conversation was... better than most, but I wouldn't exactly call it pleasant. It's never pleasant to accuse someone of racism, especially when there's no racism going on.

I fully understand why plenty of people are looking forward to this next generation, but I've really been enjoying how long the current generation lasted. The reasons listed above are all perfectly valid, and frankly, a lot of people don't want to spend a hefty chunk of money on a system that lags behind the others in

Because very few of those white people, if any, believe that blacks are an inferior race, suitable to be mocked and belittled. They speak that way because a lot of these words and phrases are humorous (sometimes intentionally so), and have become entrenched in mainstream pop culture.

As someone who's worked around a lot of teenagers, yes. Yes, they do talk like that. They talked like that when I was a teenager myself, and they continue to talk like that to this day. However, very few (if any) of them do it because they believe black people are of an inferior race and deserve to be berated. Phrases

A lot of people don't seem to understand what "racist" actually means, but that doesn't stop them from making a fuss in an effort to hide their own insecurities.

If you play WoW like a never-ending grind for better and better gear, you're doing it wrong and you'll probably grow bored and jaded within a matter of weeks. There's plenty to do once you hit max level, but you need to approach it with the right mindset. Make friends and join a guild with people you'll get along well

To be perfectly honest, everyone should be concerned about a company's bottom line, especially if you like the games produced by that company. If they don't make money, they go out of business, and there won't always be other companies waiting on the sidelines to pick up the licenses. It's how they go about staying in

Not that I didn't enjoy Resident Evil 6 and the more recent games, but I vastly preferred the older titles. The Outbreak games are some of my favorites, as a matter of fact. The village part of Resident 4, the caverns in Resident Evil 5, Leon's first chapter in Resident Evil 6, and the boss at the end of Ada's fifth

While I can appreciate the guy's apology, he still fails to grasp the reality of the situation. Violent video games are rarely, if ever, advertised in media geared specifically to young children. Just about every retailer in the country voluntarily upholds the ESRB rating system, and some stores have registers that

For me, its...

Going to start (and hopefully finish) Final Fantasy XIII-2 in February. I know it's only one game, but it's long enough to make up for three or four shorter ones.

We're living in an era where any game that fails to sell Call of Duty numbers is considered an abject failure. Modern day gamers are also growing increasingly hostile towards hallmarks of the JRPG genre, and that... combined with a general lack of JRPGs being brought to the West, has turned them into a niche genre. I

If you enjoy Ni no Kuni, then Namco's marketing should absolutely matter to you. If this game doesn't sell well, then it lowers our chances of getting similar games in the future.

Unfortunately, there's little we can do. Practically everyone who calls the shots in government and media are rich, old white dudes. They stay in power by pandering to the fears of an ignorant majority. This situation will only come to an end when the current batch of politicians and CEOs grows old enough to retire

Good. That's all I can say.