A few years ago I was in a medically induced coma after becoming very sick for 8 days. It took about 3 weeks to be able to stand and walk on my own again after all of that leg muscle atrophy.
Yeah, if I ever won the lottery (if I ever played it) my first priority is to call a lawyer. Skipping some steps, but the next would just be to disappear for a year or two and travel responsibly and quietly rejoin society.
If the work plays an integral part in bringing society signficantly closer to social equality then by all means plagiarize. You’re talking about a portion of a speech that he improvised and was not intending on saying.
Mark and Luke both plagiarized Matthew. Par for the course for those who write religion ;)
Because Justin’s a fucking shithead. Prince did not want anything like this done with his likeness after he died.
Remember when replay was watched at regular speed and slow mo and freeze framing wasn’t allowed or possible?
The NFL should rethink replays just to get Collinsworth to shut the fuck up.
This is what happens when you insult SJP, Kim.
It really seemed like the one bailiff was talking him down quietly as he pats his shoulder a bit as he tells him to relax. I like to imagine that he is saying he agrees with him but it’s not worth it (you can hear someone kind of whispering, I can’t quite make it out tho).
A-Rod got that lemon booty, or a combination of both.
Superman II is still a lot of fun, even with Richard Lester doing is damndest to fuck it all up. I remember the TV version as a kid had fucking General Zod mowing down people with an M-16 in the White House with a huge-ass grin:
Like a glove!
What quarter will the following happen: A Patriots fan streaks the field followed by an equally naked Eagles fan. The Patriots fan is murdered at the 50 yard line and the Eagles fan drinks a pint of blood before being tackled by James Harrison.
Nice to see that Aquilina immediately acquitted Raisman of murder.
I really think FF would benefit from a longer series instead of cramming 4 characters into a feature length film. The films sucked because the triangle between Sue, Reed and Doom was never believable and they didn’t have any chemistry or charisma at all.
So in some cases HOAs are good. Just elect neighbors you know are normal to the board.
I didn’t even hear about “Time’s Up” until today.