Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

I am in both the photo and the nightlife world (not so much the latter these days) and it does not surprise me whatsoever. In my city, there was one vile promoter who was just a terrible person (and most likely a serial rapist) and finally got his comeuppance. Here are three horrible stories (of many horrible ones):

Furries are so fucking creepy. Just remember, they are the reason that Tiny Toons was canceled when you were a kid.

Russians have successfully fluoridated children’s ice cream.

I understand that self reliance is out of fashion these days.

Tampa Bay are definitely getting panicky. Our infrastructure is so awful that a major hurricane will destroy our cities.

Can you imagine the twitter meltdown that would produce?

It’s ridiculously easy to rip from youtube as well. Just look at github for youtube downloading.

Dunning-Krueger is in full effect in those wretches of society.

Yeah, the greys suck. Let’s punish everybody because Kinja has a troll problem.

Pence won’t start a nuclear war out of some stupid grudge

We won’t get to see this one because it won’t make it out of Mexico with Trump’s wall.

They get 20 gold pieces from Tyrion.

But did the groom die after the fight?

I can only imagine that North Korea’s response to a total eclipse would be to launch a nuke, claiming it was the US meddling with astronomy.

I’ve been hoping that they’d go into full Praetorian mode and make Barron Caesar.


Is anyone else surprised that the statement he has is not written in comic sans?