Vladimir "Polonium 210" Putin

White Supremacists have kidnapped the President.

Just block speed51 from viewing your twitter feed. Problem solved

You left out “Silent Majority” as an alternate definition of “White Supremacists”

Oh fuck yes. My friend who cuts my hair knows this and my scalp is raw when she’s done. It’s nearly as good as MDMA.

This doesn’t seem too bad yet. But I feel his pain.

I was thinking more a long the lines of...

What we’ve all secretly known for months. “Silent Majority” has been coded language for “White Power”

The Clintons probably have enough money to tie this up for years to come should Trump try to do anything. She’s basically already been exonerated twice (benghazi and emails).

This election shows the rest of the world what white power really is all about and it’s fucking disgusting.

It’s definitely Trump and definitely a slight against the asian media.

And she may have done this before just a few weeks ago.

I was hoping for a proper “Fuck off ya tossers!” from the Royal Family, but I guess this will have to do.

You mean like this?

This is one of my liveries in Forza. My friend made it as a joke. I’ve been using it ever since. I now hate myself.

Why was he at the game if he had just robbed a bank?

So at times it would be hugely satisfying?

I hope not. Vettel’s radio transmissions are one of the main reasons I still watch.

It does now. Before it really just gave you a warning if you were getting surge pricing. The price, however, is dependent on a pre-determined route. If you deviate from that and travel farther, you bet your ass you’ll be charged for it.