I heard the lyrics / sounds to this song were the cries from the people still stuck on her 777 plane tour.
I heard the lyrics / sounds to this song were the cries from the people still stuck on her 777 plane tour.
At least those who had been up all night were in no mood for coffee and doughnuts.
Not reported: The Indians will all die once they’re smuggled over to Qatar.
Nah, the show made a mistake when they even allowed Howard to audition.
I wonder if Eric can get a reservation at Dorsia.
humanizes her slightly
I don’t buy it considering Donald Trump is the type of guy who is probably watching father-daughter incest anime with characters named Donald and Ivanka.
The listened to The Cure once. It’s what they think they have to do.
They would have been mercifully put out of our misery by Mr. Brownstone.
So you think James Spader is pimping Harry Brant out?
Kanye: “I’m glad Kim has snapchat. How else would everyone have seen that 12-hour epic of her and her furry-foot friends saving Middle Earth?”
The “E” is similarly positioned like the E in Enron as well.
Just called the psychic friends network number. It was busy. I guess that means it’s confirmed.
That’s reddit.jpg
You just need a decent camera with good low light performance that you can manually set. I shoot a lot of low light sans flash and I use a Canon 5D2. I primarily shoot with a 35 f/1.4 or 50 f/1.2 most of the time and wide open at night to get as much light into the image as possible. ISO and shutter speed will vary,…
Google Marissa Mayer Laugh.
Somehow, Bernie will make money on the deal and come out ahead.