Pollyanna the merciless

Remind me again why some people think Donald Trump is the guy who tells it like it is and refuses to pander? It’s because they like the racism, right?

So excited!! But also, if you guys decide to do another live blog on Jezebel, can you not invite the Gawker dudes? They were so horrendously repulsive that I quit the live blog after about 20 minutes. I get enough lady hate from living in the south, and living in America in general. I don’t need it in my safe place.

Same. I loved how many books she mentioned from Chugga-Chugga Choo-Choo to Goodnight Moon to A Wrinkle in Time to what I assume is the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice (because Hillary and Chelsea have style).


I heard the same commentary and felt annoyed too.

I think it was her second-best speech ever, just behind her 2008 concession speech to then-Senator Obama. But she totally, and effectively, laid out the case for her, the Democratic party, liberals, progressives, centrists, Republicans, Independents, and any sane person to vote for her.

I just gotta say, when Chelsea referenced “A Wrinkle in Time” I lost my mind. I felt like all her book references were a dig at the GOP. She was insinuating that they don’t read.

I’m not going to say I cried but I also didn’t not cry.

I am so happy. And so excited. That was phenomenal.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! It’s a fucking SUIT! If anything a woman’s suit with a skirt should be called a ‘skirt suit’ because it is NOT the norm. Grumble, grumble, grumble.

“Imagine Trump’s legs,” would be my yawning response as I recused myself from her presence.

Ugh the word pantsuit is the worst. It’s a suit! Just called a suit! That’s what it is. Men wear suits that include pants every day of their lives and no one ever says it’s a pantsuit. Just call it a suit. /pet peeve rant

Last night, my own mother said aloud in my presence that Hillary Clinton never wears dresses because, “She has the ugliest legs. She has cankles.” Once I picked my jaw up off the floor, I told her that, fortunately, the attractiveness of one’s legs is not a trait I care about in my government leaders.

i feel like such a nerd for laughing at this

Agreed, it should never be obsolete. I think of it as a supply and demand question: work to reduce the demand all you want by reducing the number of accidental pregnancies and improving women’s circumstances so they feel able to go through with a pregnancy and / or parenting, but leave the supply the hell alone. Which

For the millionth time, anti-choice people: If you don’t agree with abortion, don’t have one. Period. And stop condescending to women, telling us that none of us would have abortions if we just had enough support and money to raise a child. If I got pregnant right now, I would abort. If I got pregnant after winning

And it’s fucking poly. She has the nerve to market a piece of crap, made in China for probably a couple of bucks, made mostly out of shit, and put a price on it close to a hundred and a half? And it doesn’t even look halfway decent on her.

Plus, all that polyester? Gross.

I thought about this too. And it’s also kinda wrinkly?