Pollyanna the merciless

That reminded me of my favorite Christian mommy blogger: https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/why-i-do…. About halfway down she shows how she’s successfully taught her daughter to judge women with large breasts wearing take tops. The future looks bright.

I’m sure she used silicone. But she has the benefit of being thin. The largest silicone implants manufactured are only 800ccs. On a heavier woman, an 800cc implant after a mastectomy on one side would require a sizeable reduction on the other side for symmetry.

There are plenty of people in hospitals who have no right to be participating but are there anyway. The undergrad student shadowing the Ob/GYN to but on their resume, the drug rep who is present during surgery, administrators, inspection agencies, etc.

I completely understand why this show was so incredibly inappropriate. Patients don’t choose what ER the ambulance brings them to, and if they aren’t stable they can’t choose to leave and seek care elsewhere.

Nurse midwives are not the same as midwives in the US. A nurse midwife (CNM) has practiced in the field of labor and delivery for at least two years as a registered nurse and then gets a master’s degree and passes boards. A midwife, on the other hand, does not need any training whatsoever. A few years ago, one

Moms who have not experienced this type of judgement from other women (“oh you poor thing, you had to have a c-section? I don’t know how I’d live with myself if I couldn’t breastfeed. I mean, that would be tantamount to child abuse!”) don’t really understand wwhat Amy Tuteur is trying to accomplish. These attitudes

Sometimes, especially as a woman, you must be very abrasive for your point to be heard. And I can understand why an obstetrician would be particularly passionate about women and babies dying or being given false information.

She no longer practices because she had 4 children and health issues. There is no smoking gun here. She is still a very competent physician.

Ditto. I have reported coworkers to the state Board when appropriate. I don’t mess with management. That is a waste of time and they will cover things up before holding someone accountable.

“Just like Esthetic Nurses had (and still) have to prove themselves as just as capable and qualified of achieving the same results as their (mostly male) Plastic Surgeons and Dermatologists they work under.”

Unfortunately, I have yet to meet a medical aesthetician who knows what they need to know about skin to practice safely. You are not trained to recognize infections (ie rosacea vs tinea versicolor) or cancer. IPL is great, but treating over melanoma is dangerous.

I was not trying to disparage your training or future title. In some states medical lasers are regulated to the point only physicians can operate them. In California, only physicians, PAs, and RNs can use a medical laser. There is a push for those regulations in other states too. Unless you actually have a job, don’t

I’ve been a med spa RN for 7 years. The vast, vast majority of people in the med spa field (aestheticians, primarily) spout woo all day long. The company reps sell smelly chemicals and a script about how it reverses aging and has antioxidants and “works like a topical botox” etc, etc. By and large, it is not a science

I had an eating disorder about 10 years ago when this phenomenon was in its infancy, but inpatient treatment was mainly hospitalization in full service hospitals with mental health wards.

Good thing there are people who know about cats and ducks, because there are no female humans who have ever mentioned such a thing as painful sex.