Seriously. If we had to rely on my husband's income, we would need government assistance. Instead, we live quite comfortably, thankyouverymuch.
Seriously. If we had to rely on my husband's income, we would need government assistance. Instead, we live quite comfortably, thankyouverymuch.
I am worried my fiance wouldn’t be able to pay the household bills....without my much higher income.
I cosign this ungreying request!
The most telling part of the whole week for me was Paul Manafort’s interview on MSNBC in which he said that women are concerned that their husbands can’t afford to pay the family bills. In 2016, this is why he said women will vote for Trump.
Nailed it. It was Kushner. There is no way he would keep a professional speech writer on his payroll after a fuck up as embarrassing as this. None. “We all make mistakes” after the excuse given of a draft being turned in is absurd. If this woman was really the cause of the plagiarism, Trump would have been on every…
I am here for this
I’m sure there are quite a few, but they don’t go around using the N word and hoping for snipers to shoot Black people.
Find me an 80-year-old woman in Alabama who isn’t racist and I’ll believe any damn thing you want me to because you are clearly some sort of deity.
“The statements do not reflect my character or feelings towards minorities”
“I respect the decision of the Illinois Republican Party and understand their concerns about my safety and that of the entire Illinois delegation.”
LOL @ the durable hair part. My sister fucked up her American Girl doll’s hair so badly that my parents had to send it to a doll fixing shop place in Ohio to get it fixed.
While the hacking/stealing/distributing of sex tapes and nudes is despicable and low, I also hope that at some point, the photos & videos lose their power. Imagine how powerless those low people will feel when the latest sex tape hack elicits nothing but shrugs and a chorus of “meh, good for her”.
What is even the point of this? So she had sex with her husband, oooooh, scandalous.
My mom got pregnant when she was in college and had an abortion. If she’d had a baby then she wouldn’t have been able to move to NYC for grad school and meet my dad!
trolling needs refinement, 2/10
How many times do we have to go through this? How many articles and news outlets have reported that Planned Parenthood does NOT sell fetal body parts? I am perplexed. Why is this a thing.
so long as they provide or refer for elective abortions or sell fetal body parts rather than provide healthcare.
Can Republican women even vote????