Pollyanna the merciless

That’s interesting, I went to a community college for nursing and one of the things they touted about the program was the extremely high attrition rate. It gave the school a really good reputation unlike the private colleges in the area who passed everyone and graduated terrible nurses. I was the valedictorian and my

Welcome to students as consumers everybody.

Funny you should mention that, because the most blatant plagiarism I’ve witnessed was in a class my boyfriend was TA-ing, where a girl in his class turned in a 4-page (double spaced) research paper where all but the first paragraph was copied and pasted from various websites. There were no transitions between the

Yeah, but I still can’t forgive Shrek for making Smash Mouth famous.

You win. Shut it down...

Well that sums it up the controversy nicely. Good job out of you.

this is perfection.

This is so sadly right, it hurts. This isn’t going to sway any Trump voters away from his camp. They won’t care and will diligently put their heads in the sand and find some way to blame Hillary.

Everyone assumes Melania is stupid. I think she knew exactly what she was doing. She has always looked like she hated having to do anything with his whole campaign schtick & is only doing it under duress. Now she’s going to be quietly moved away from any spotlights.

It’s really too bad he doesn’t have at least one black sheep kid who’s like fuck this shit, my dad is a total asshole and I am NOT supporting this shitshow. But they’re all spineless greedy little shits so they’re riding his money train and toeing the line.

She also claimed that Donald is very loyal to his family...even though he cheated on wife #1 with wife #2 and then left wife #2 for wife #3.

The Repubs applauded Michelle’s words out of Melania’s mouth and pretend they’re “just words.”

I can’t believe her ring is so effing big I can see it even when her palm is turned towards the camera. Nana Finch would have had something to say about that.

And the “family values” assholes that wrote the most virulently anti-LGBT platform in US history were cheering her on.

It was like she got to live the VS Angels gig that she never got.

I think everyone involved is aware of that

“I have been with Donald for 18 years” ...Donald divorced wife 2 17 years ago.

the cognitive dissonance is astounding. I tuned in to a half hour of the rnc last night and as a Canadian just sat slack-jawed at what I was watching. Shameful.

“He has always paid women what they’re worth and paid them comparably.” - all his wives/mistresses