White privilege
White privilege
Thanks for your perspective. Please remember to take care of yourself. I'm sure you know this, but there's a few support groups online for people who care for someone with a severe disability.
Exactly. Given the level of abuse the first wife said she went through - if this woman was treated the same way, and she had some cognitive challenges... I know people who could be completely innocent but manipulated by someone without a conscience. It’s certainly possible, and even probable.
I’m not going to just assume she’s innocent and the idea that she’d claim this to save her own ass (which I doubt, really) makes me sick, but you wouldn’t believe how many innocent people who did NOTHING to deserve it or cause it are affected by things like this, often unidentified. Whole lives of frustration,…
Thanks for sharing this. I hope more people read your story and take a minute before jumping to judge this woman with very little being known at this point.
SAME. This woman’s legal guilt is a matter for the courts. It’s such a fraught and confused situation, people shouldn’t be leaping to “BURN THE STUPID EVIL BITCH DEVIL”. Jez has a real problem with ableism and that’s out in full, disgusting display in the comments of this article. I'm a queer woman with a learning…
I know everyone is ready to crucify this woman and all, BUT.. my child’s father has these same sorts of problems. It isn’t anything you can see and it is due to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. We’re not together anymore and its something you need some time with someone to recognize. We only had him diagnosed at about 25. I…
Oh, christ.
Hope my girls get the grades to gain admission to Wellesley.
Girl Scout cookies aren’t that great, but Girl Scouts are.
HOLY SHIT I WANT IT ALL. I’m not even really a big sweets person, but I love everything you’ve described here. I’m not a baker but I would love this recipe. Methinks you won’t give it up, but I have to ask.
I wholeheartedly disagree with you, but I enjoyed your storytelling.
You know you can just donate money to the Girl Scouts any old time, right? Look, they even take credit cards! http://www.girlscouts.org/en/adults/dona…
Thank you. Not “relationship,” either. Predatory behavior and grooming. And fuck that fucking family.
“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”
Here’s hoping avoiding using the quote itself will preclude assholes from showing up to passionately argue that it’s just not FAIR to suggest women being tortured, raped and murdered is somehow worse than men’s feelings being hurt.
Gawd, right? It’s like we don’t even need to quote her anymore. Just shorthand her name and we ALL know what’s being said.
Margaret Atwood.