^^ this X 1000. Enough money can hire brains....unless you are Johnny Depp apparently.
^^ this X 1000. Enough money can hire brains....unless you are Johnny Depp apparently.
Ugh, and regarding the safe word thing (also just like, being hyper aware of your friend’s facial expression when a guy is cornering her): we can’t even say it clearly. We can’t clearly say, “I’m uncomfortable with this” for fear of retaliation. There has to be a secret word and fucking deceit involved just to protect…
Different explanation but the same: at one of my old jobs in retail, so many of the female employees had casual stalkers that we had an intercom safe word. If you heard somone page, “Miranda to cashwrap please, Miranda to cash wrap,” you ducked out of sight (receiving area, break room, office) and called the front…
That social issue is extending throughout Asia right now. Women getting educated, working jobs, and having their own lives is directly conflicting with the social norm of “men work, women care for the home.” Males are still largely being raised to expect a woman to always take care of them and all they need to do is…
I’m all about supporting our troops. And about women having to pass the same physical standards as men. Every woman partner I’ve had as a cop easily passed the same standards I did. My last one is still in better shape than I’ve ever been in. So, I know women can do it.
Yeah, agreed that controlled substances shouldn’t taste like candy. That is asking for trouble.
I’ve spent extensive time in Japan. People don’t just carry knives around like that. In fact, they carry pocket knives way less frequently than Americans. He had a plan.
I recently explained the concept of a “safe word” to a group of male friends (they’re safe guys...I hope). Anyway, as I explained how it’s used and WHY WE NEED ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE the women with us just nodded their “uh huh!”s and the men just sat there dumbfounded that women have developed these subtle nuances as…
I hope she will be able to pull through. I can’t imagine how awful and scary that must have been. A lot of men can’t seem to understand how scary it is to be a woman. There is always that fear this might be the guy that will hurt me because I said no in the wrong way. She even tried to get the police involved letting…
mm. so true.
The crazy thing is it says he ASKED for the gifts back (via her actress friend)? Then stabbed her because she didn’t answer his ambush-question clearly enough?
Like so his “temper” aside he showed up just to kill her.
“Lost my temper.” BULLSHIT. This was predetermined. He brought that knife to meet her.
“Men are afraid their gifts will be returned. Women are afraid they’ll get stabbed 20 times.”
Elijah, this was an incredibly brave and selfless act. Thank you.
i have to go here since no one else. he manifests anti-black venom held by many other minority groups. which is why i hold up my “kumbaya, we’re all in this together” shit until they prove allies. i’ve had some nasty remarks and looks from other folk who are themselves the recipient of white-on-minority bigotry.…
This is not a woman that’s, you know, a soccer mom or someone that’s credible in society.
Oh, didn’t you know? As soon as you say you’ve been raped veryone starts throwing money at you and praising you - not dragging your name and reputation through the mud, examining every tiny move you’ve ever made, and calling you a lying slut. I don’t know what alternative world he’s living in, but I’d really like to…
Poor baby 😢 Enjoy prison fucker.
No. Fuck make-up, and fuck anyone who tries to say it’s some fundamental part of the female experience.
Holy shit, this bitch’s self-regard! In the first para of that little self-loving blog post, she describes how a former boss she calls “Cunt Chocula” hated her from the beginning, and says, “I can understand why, I’m a hot little blonde with a well-connected family from the Upper East Side of Manhattan.”
Also is this a tongue-in-cheek thing I’m not getting because if not, wow: