Pollyanna the merciless

Did you see this weeks episode? The Seawards thing killed me.

Samantha Bee has just been on fire and awesome.

AHHHH I can’t wait. Samantha Bee has become so damn vicious and I’m so here for it.

I am rooting for this so hard you don’t even know.

She just set herself up to get dragged to dust by Samantha Bee tho

That one particular woman really does not belong in science.

It’s true that autism is extremely rare in people who don’t breathe air.

HARD CONFIRM. your chances of having an autistic child if you decide to have a child is 100% greater than if you had sat in your underwear making your cat chase the red dot laser light. That is just SCIENCE.

Note to self: Stop breathing while pregnant... got it!

And also hot dogs. Not tthe all beef kosher ones but all the rest.

Let’s not panic until Jenny McCarthy weighs in on this topic.


Folks. There isn’t enough funding going into mental health. There aren’t enough facilities/beds, and in the rare instances where there are, it’s difficult to keep staffing up so that those beds can be filled. Mental health workers are often overworked and underpaid, and in those spaces where more is needed (outreach

Does it honestly not bother you that Bernie supporters are sending death threats to a woman who, as far as I can tell, was just doing her job? I get wanting to have positive coverage of your preferred candidate, but any coverage of the event that leaves out the booing and death threats is still pretty slanted - it’s

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

I am not painting *you* as anything. I am also, in my way, as I mentioned up top, “a woman who supports Bernie,” although as a journalist I don’t throw my arms around any politician entirely and never will.

I’m sorry, I have to say something. I’m a Bernie supporter, and a longtime Jezebel reader, AND I was there in the room. I shot some videos that have been aired on major networks, and I actually have a relatively neutral perspective. Could you please interview me for an alternate view of what happened, instead of just

The lack of organizing has been the death of the Sanders campaign. They put all their money into huge rallies, TV ads, and internet presence. They trained no one. His supporters do not understand the process, so they’re all ready to believe whatever ridiculous conspiracy theory or imaginary delegate math scenarios

Also, Clinton won the NV primary election. Nothing was being stolen from these people. Blame the Sanders ground game for not having its delegates be prepared and follow the rules.