Pollyanna the merciless

She looks really good.


Well, bring back the first two seasons anyways.

God I miss the Winslows. Why couldn’t we bring that back instead of that spoiled-mayonnaise-sitting-in-the-sun-too-long Full House.

Wait until her precious darlings contract measles/mumps/rubella as adults and go blind/deaf/infertile and see how they feel then.


The persecution complex is strong among anti vaxxers as well. I’ve heard multiple people claim recently that Andrew Wakefield was telling the truth but was silenced by Big Pharma.

I think the primary reason is more to put another obstacle in their path, hoping maybe a few will actually be willing to be educated.
Basically make it more difficult, Make them have to take time off work, make it so they will say fuck it and not bother.

The only people I’ve ever met who have been anti-vax are highly educated, very wealthy people who live in a bubble of their own making. One of them is a kinda-friend of my mom’s who’s three adult children have never been vaccinated for *anything* and she uses their non-autistic aliveness to prove that she made the

An autistic kid can be awesome or be an asshole or both, just like regular kids. But a dead kid is a dead kid. Source: proud mom of a mostly awesome autistic kid.

Fucking Dunning Kruger.

If women who want an abortion have wait 48 hours and receive pamphlets and hear bullshit unscientific crap about their LEGAL medical procedure, I am all for making anti-vaxxers sit through a class.

That’s why the science class would only apply to parents requesting a non-medical exemption. The class is only for the idiots requesting exemptions for stupid reasons like religion or because jenny McCarthy told them vaccines are bad.

This. My father (from whom I am estranged) is an anti-vaxxer because he says he poured over all of the (bogus) “science” of it. He’s very well-read on pure bullshit.

Yeah, agreed- I have no idea what would work, but this won’t be it.

Unfortunately, I think you may be correct. The demographics of anti-vaxxers in Canada don’t indicate that a lack of scientific information is the problem;

They don’t need a class; “they did their own research.”

I like the idea but if you’re the kind of person that insists one plus one equals thirty-seven despite all facts, can a class fix that? Especially if you don’t want to take said class.

To be fair, there is a tiny but legitimate branch off the ‘No’ side of “the vaccine would literally kill my child, otherwise I would”
