Pollyanna the merciless

Not a fan of folks weighing in on the birth by complaining it sets a bad example for society, it has icky overtones of “the proper role and place of women” to it. If it’s so important that births not happen over the age of 60, then make an age limit for Viagra prescriptions as well.

Kaur told the Agence France-Presse that they were overjoyed to welcome the child, especially after decades of taunting over infertility.

What a skeevy piece of shit. This isn't going to help your public image as someone who thinks he's entitled to women's bodies pal. Now you just look like someone who thinks he's entitled to women's bodies AND medical records in the hope he can find something to use against his victim. That's slippery, reptilian, and

i highly doubt a judge will grant this. judges care about their legacies and no judge wants to be the person that sets the precedent for rape victims not having dr/patient confidentiality with their therapist

This will ensure any woman who considers reporting a sexual assault remains in her terrified silence for all eternity.

And THIS is why I wish people would STFU asking women when they’re going to have a baby already or when you’re going to get to work on a sibling for the one you already have or whether you’re going to try for a boy/girl because you already have one of the other flavor. You never have a clue what people are going

you’re going to get me fired.

Not the first time some old dude got overly excited about a teenage girl’s jugs.

You’re the second person to post that wired link, which is to a really, really bad article, which illustrates why I think using words correctly matters. That article uses the scientific word life interchangeably with “life” as referring to personhood. They’re not the same, and the whole article is a mess because of it.

Saw Trapped over the weekend, which focused on the TRAP laws in the Deep South. I just rolled my eyes and cringed when Dr. Parker had to tell the clients at the clinic where I used to escort (and where the pregnancy crisis center moved in RIGHT NEXT DOOR) all this garbage the state made him say. Then he’d add his 2

But that’s a myth. It’s virtually impossible nowadays to adopt an infant. Unless of course you go overseas which is another issues. But in the United States? Unless you have major bucks or do something black market you can forgot about it. It’s the children from the ages 4 on up that have a difficult time being

I have had an abortion and I don’t do any of that, nor do I regret it. The only thing I regret is that a smart teenager made a dumb decision and thought pregnancy wouldn’t happen to her. The abortion was a good decision for me.

Adoption is for people who don’t mind going through pregnancy, childbirth, and the emotional trauma of giving a child up. Abortion if for people who don’t want to do any of those things. I assure you, these crisis centers mention adoption as they are lying to women and giving them medically inaccurate information.

Adoption is great.... if there is anyone out there willing to adopt. People would now rather do some form of fertility treatments than adopt, many finding adoption too much red-tape or expense and liking the idea of babies that have their DNA. Then if you add the fact that minority babies and children or ones with

And 25 years ago, in Texas, I didn’t have to listen to or read any such nonsense. I went in, got an abortion, went home. I missed 1 class.

seriously, as a teen I would be all “I DON’T CARE IF I GROW A TAIL!!!! GET IT OUT!!!”

It’s funny, when I got my abortion about 10 years ago, I was able to get it pretty easily, but I was still “informed” (10 years ago) that it could cause breast cancer and infertility.

I just really can’t believe that there are states where a doctor who is going to provide abortions HAS TO BY LAW lie to their patients telling them that abortions make you infertile and cause breast cancer.

Can’t praise Samantha Bee enough. She really is killing it.

Have not watched the clip, cause I want to watch the whole show later today, but must say Full Frontal with Samantha Bee is the shit. So much funnier than any other half hour topical events & issues show. Last Week Tonight is a close second, but SB is my gal.